Why kids are addicted to games

Why children are addicted to games : According to Maslow, it describes the order of human needs. Where demand motivates humans to act in order to reach that demand If we have an understanding of human needs We will be able to better understand the basics of human behavior.

In playing that game Psychology experts see Game design allows players to achieve their needs. According to Maslow’s principle, that is Recognized and praised The challenges in the game are what makes Youth can’t stop playing Playing online games is considered to create a society for modern children. The world in the game is a world that he can choose. There is a safe community for him. It is a refuge for young people when they want to escape from the pressures of daily life. The reasons why youth are addicted to the game are not just one reason. Rather, it is the result of many factors that are mixed and related.

The main reasons why children are addicted to games

1. Parenting in the family

This is often found in families that have never trained their children to discipline themselves. Lack of house rules and regulations Pamper the child or tend to be weak, do not punish when the child does wrong. Some families have different characteristics. There are no fun activities for the children to do, or there are no activities that everyone does together. Parents may not have time to control their children or lose sight of the need to limit their time on games. At first, parents may find it pleasant to see their child play the game quietly without disturbing them. Give them more personal time or use games as a babysitter.

2. Society changed to high-tech society

Today, there are powerful tools to stimulate the excitement in children. Materialistic society A society that lacks activities or places where children can benefit from learning Has been fun with In addition, the game itself is the reason why children are addicted to games, such as showing power, success, challenge, want to win, build their own personality. Make friends in online games

3. Factors in the child itself.

Some children may be at a greater risk of game addiction than normal children, for example having ADHD. Mood problems, depression or anxiety, lack of social skills Can’t get along with friends Have learning problems Have a low self-esteem


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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