There are millions of people in the world who are smarter than me, but there are many non-Muslims among them. So why doesn’t a sane person accept Islam?
– Why do the majority of people reject the truth after so much evidence?
– Why do the majority of people waste their time on useless things, do bad things, and none of them get better?
– I used to be like that too, but I got better. So why don’t they change? What is the difference between them and me?
Our dear brother,
First of all, we congratulate you for your strong faith, the bright change you have experienced and your Islamic consciousness.
To have faith is , first of all, to believe in the unseen, that is, the hidden and unseen. If everything were so obvious that one believed it immediately after a short thought, it wouldn’t be faith, it wouldn’t be belief.
In addition, there would be no mystery to the test, true believers and those who had to believe would be the same. That’s why believing in God is not that simple.
You say that a sane person should accept Islam . A sane person means someone who works hard. However, not every intelligent person can perceive the truth as objectively, that is, impartially, as is thought. There are factors that determine a person’s perception and interpretation.
For example, his character, values, prejudice , way of thinking, genetic structure, education he received, the society he lives in, his family, etc. It determines his way of thinking and reasoning. In this context, if prejudices sometimes come to the fore and if the values and beliefs he brings from the past are strong, that person cannot see the truth.
For example, a Hindu from India becomes a professor in the field of atoms in America, but still worships cows when he returns to India. However, a child with one of his intelligence can understand that cows should not be worshiped, which a very intelligent professor cannot.
For this reason, it is not easy for someone who does not intend to seek the truth without prejudice to believe. For faith, first the heart needs to be directed, the need to search for the truth is needed, and then the mind needs to work. It is necessary to demonstrate a strong will on this issue.
Beyond all this , guidance is a light that God puts in the heart of the servant after revealing his will; not everyone can have it.