If we compare the web version of Telegram with the version of WhatsApp, the differences are huge, but despite all this and more, WhatsApp Web is still the first choice for many users.
However, this sometimes presents problems when connecting a device with WhatsApp Web , which prevents you from seeing, sending or receiving messages. Luckily, this has a solution and to know how to fix it, we will provide you with the necessary information.
Why Can’t You Open WhatsApp Web in Google Chrome From PC? – Solution
Index( )
- Why does WhatsApp Web have problems when accessing from the PC?
- connection failed
- QR code failure
- Browser not supported
- How to access WhatsApp Web effectively from the PC?
- Closing other logins from mobile
- Testing Chrome’s incognito mode
Why does WhatsApp Web have problems when accessing from the PC?
This will depend in principle on the platform as such or on your own team that is presenting this problem. Whatever the cause, you have to explore all possible options , among which we can mention the most common that are:
connection failed
Sometimes, computers show that they are connected to a network, but its configuration is not correct, or the connection is correct, but it is not configured correctly, but it is still not receiving the necessary packets to connect to the internet and be able to send photos via WhatsApp Web .
Therefore, the first thing is to verify that the network you are connected to is really the correct one and that it is properly configured and without any type of blockages . The second thing is to verify if the connection is stable or if it is showing failures. You can try to open any web page or even do a speed test with SpeedTest.
QR code failure
It may seem simple but it happens a lot. The reason is that due to the poor connection of either the mobile phone or the PC, the QR scanning and account linking are not carried out.
This causes a reading error and the impossibility of being able to load all the data of your WhatsApp account in the web version . Luckily, you have the option to access the current Beta mode of WhatsApp and only do the scan once, among other advantages that this version presents.
Browser not supported
By this we do not mean that the browser you use is not compatible, but as such, you may have a version that is not current enough to be able to use the services of this platform. Solving this is as easy as going to your browser settings and verifying that there are no pending updates.
You can also see the current version of the browser and compare it with the latest version officially released. The other thing you can do is change your browser. The recommendation that we can give you is that you use Vivaldi or, failing that, the Brave browser.
The first is characterized by being light and customizable, while the other stands out for its lightness, for blocking ads and advertising and for having very useful functions, to the point of being able to log out of WhatsApp Web without any problem.
How to access WhatsApp Web effectively from the PC?
It is not about anything complicated or opting for complex access for the user. It is quite easy and intuitive to do it, not to mention that you can do it from a computer or laptop, regardless of whether you have Windows or any other operating system. All you have to do is go to the official WhatsApp Web page and with your mobile, scan the QR code that will be shown on the screen.
Keep in mind that it is not necessary or mandatory to access this platform using a browser, since you can also download the version of WhatsApp Web for desktop . The procedure for this case will remain the same as usual, you will have some differences in terms of options.
Closing other logins from mobile
The great advantage that Whatsapp Web and the WhatsApp platform itself gives you is that you can log in through a browser regardless of whether it is a personal PC or not. That is, you can log in on your PC and also do it from a friend’s laptop.
However, if you access from the normal version of WhatsApp and not from the Beta version, when you log in on a computer, it will ask you if you want to use the service on that device. This means that if you logged in on another computer, you will be logged out.
To avoid this, all you have to do is go to the linked devices from the WhatsApp application on your mobile and close or delete all sessions on devices that you no longer use. You could say that this is a way to prevent someone else from reading what you are talking about with someone.
Testing Chrome’s incognito mode
If the normal mode does not allow you to access Whatsapp Web , much less you cannot send Audios with Whatsapp Web , try to log in from the incognito mode of the browser. Perhaps this will solve part of your problem, plus you will not leave any type of trace on computers that are not from your domain.