Why can’t I see post comments on Instagram?

The application and social network Instagram is the space chosen by all generations when uploading a photo that reflects a great moment, sharing and tagging people in your Instagram stories from a meal or dinner with friends, or publicizing a place that we are visiting

Recognized for her beautiful Instagram filters, for her ‘ likes’  and other interactions such as comments, subject to this note. We believe that comments are a way to keep your profile active and your interactions with other users, they are highly relevant when it comes to positioning yourself for greater reach on networks.

Although this application, which today is part of ‘Meta’, has been announcing improvements and new tools for its users to increase the experience of its users, sometimes there is dissatisfaction with the comments and problems to be solved

Although it does not usually happen very often, several regulars of this social network have complained about not being able to see comments on different publications . In favor of Instagram we will say that this is not always the fault of the application, but the responsibility may lie with the users themselves, with the connection or with your own device.

Therefore, in this article we want you to take into account some reasons why you cannot view and read comments on posts, videos or photos. So if you are reading this post, pay attention to this compilation of reasons.

Index( )

  1. What causes Instagram to hide photo or video comments from you?
    1. outdated version
    2. Mention spam in comments
    3. The user has blocked their comments
  2. How to see the comments of other Instagram users without problems?
    1. Check internet connection
    2. Check that the Instagram servers are not down

What causes Instagram to hide photo or video comments from you?

There are many reasons why Instagram decides to restrict comments on posts , this is because you have committed some infractions and they have decided to take this action. It is possible that Instagram hides comments from you, it usually does not happen often, but in case it starts to do so you should:

outdated version

If you are with an outdated version, it is possible that Instagram hides the comments, as well as that other functions do not work or do not run as they should. To update you must:

  1. Descargar e Ir a tu play store (Android)/ app store (iPhone).
  2. In the search engine type‘ Instagram’, there you can verify that you have the latest version, that is, if there is an ‘update’ box you will have to do it to avoid this type of problem.

Mention spam in comments

The mentions in the comments can have spam, this means they are messages related to advertising or commercial purposes, which Instagram does not allow, that is why you will not be able to see them even if they mention you.

The user has blocked their comments

This is usually a fairly common reason, especially in accounts, whose users are public or famous figures, and you do not want to deal with some malicious , discriminatory or offensive comments. But those who do not have a celebrity figure or recognition also choose to do so.

nstagram has millions of users and sometimes there are also many false profiles whose intentions we do not know and it is better to protect ourselves from receiving harmful messages. Also, these users may have exclusively blocked you, so you cannot see their comments.

Important, Instagram will block and hide messages of a violent nature or that threaten the integrity of its users and inappropriate content. So in some cases you will see some offensive comments magically disappear on your posts.

How to see the comments of other Instagram users without problems?

As we have mentioned, comments are important, and sometimes very helpful, since we are interested in what others may be saying. It may seem silly to many, but if you want to read a comment, you must position yourself under the desired publication and click on ‘ see comments’  or directly on the dialog bubble icon.

So you can see the comments on the posts of others. If you want to do it in your publications, you can do it in the notifications. Remember that you will not be able to see the comments in the stories of others , only in yours. Now, to see the comments you must take into account the following reasons.

Check internet connection

If your internet connection is weak, you will hardly be able to even open the app, and if you do, you will not be able to see the updated comments and likes. The first thing you should do is check if your Wi-Fi or mobile data are enabled from the options panel, if the problem persists you can restart your mobile, sometimes it is necessary.

Check that the Instagram servers are not down

If you have verified that it is not your mobile, there is a page that is responsible for verifying the state of a certain web page. We recommend ‘ it’s down right now?’. This page will give you instant and detailed information on those websites that are down or running.

On the other hand, one of the most common ways is to check in the other applications. It is known that Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp belong to Meta today, so when one of them stops working, usually the other two do too.

Finally, Instagram may be crashing due to updates or traffic , so don’t panic, it’s always momentary. We hope that the information we provide you has been of great help.