Which Guardian is Better in Warframe

In this Warframe article, we’ll talk about Guardians. As you know, guards are drones that help in combat. Guardians are sold in the in-game store in the “Equipment” section. You can buy them both ready-made for platinum and blueprints that you have to craft. Each drawing costs under 100 thousand.

Shade is a stealth guard, suitable for beginners, because it has the ability to take the owner into stealth when the enemy approaches him, thereby increasing survivability. If a bunch of enemies are running at you, and you enter invisibility, you can stand as long as you want, and they will not do anything to you until you start attacking them. Thanks to this ability, you can run missions such as Sabotage and Capture without attacking anyone at all.

In general, the whole point of Shade is that she does not attack until you are attacked. Accordingly, he becomes completely useless as a battle guard.

Also, the Shade’s disadvantages include her useless pistol, which has 5 damage and a very low rate of fire. In general, the Shade is effective without buildup.

Wyrm is an attacking guardian. At the time of its appearance, it was quite effective, since it inflicted good damage with a laser rifle due to its high rate of fire. Has a good ability – Dispersal of the crowd, thanks to which he can catch a group of enemies that came too close to you. Not suitable for beginners, since it is absolutely useless without swinging.

Death Cube is an attacking guardian who is a competitor to the Wyrm. It has a more effective weapon – the death machine gun – which has a higher rate of fire, thanks to which it can conduct continuous fire at the enemy.

It also has a more suitable ability for an attacking guardian – Vaporizer, which deals high damage to nearby enemies. Not suitable for beginners, because without buildup it is just as useless as Wyrm.

The host is also an attacking guardian, but has an ability that distinguishes it from Wyrm and Cuba, such as Vacuum. After the maximum buildup, it will bring you modules and resources. Its hitting area is quite high, and you don’t have to run for modules or resources. It also allows you to get modules and resources from places where you yourself cannot climb.

Has a Cleaner weapon, which is a shotgun. At the moment, the Carrier is the best choice for a beginner, because it deals quite high damage without swinging, and has a very useful Vacuum ability.

Jin is a clan guardian who is expensive in both research and manufacture. It requires a bunch of resources, as well as two forms. It is an attacking guard, but has an almost useless ability – Deadly Attraction, the essence of which is that the enemies will aggro at your guard, not paying attention to you. It seems that this is a very good ability, because the enemies will not attack you, but in fact, without swinging when using this ability, Jin will die in a matter of seconds, because everyone will start shooting at him.

The only place where it makes sense to use this ability is on the Infected, since they cannot shoot at you and will aggro at Jin. But for this you need to have a very powerful melee weapon – usually for these needs I use the Galatine sword.

Of the advantages of Gene, one can only note that the good weapon Sting, which can almost compete on an equal footing with the Cleaner. Personally, I crafted Gene just for this weapon. Jin is absolutely not suitable for beginners, as it has a rather specific ability.

Helios is a clan guard and requires research in the clan laboratory. It takes a lot of oxyum to research and produce it.

Helios is an attacking guardian with a rather specific ability – “Explorer”. If equipped with scanners, it will scan enemies. But he scans just about anything, and during a mission he can launch up to a hundred scanners, which may seem costly for beginners, and it is expensive to buy more scanners all the time, so this ability is often not used.

Helios’ weapon is a deconstructor, in fact it is a Glaive – the same modules are even put on it as on the Glaive. The weapon is of little use – it deals impressive damage (50), but the Glaive flies very slowly, and even with all the modules will hit one or two enemies. For example, the Sting can destroy all enemies in sight in the same time.

At the moment, against the background of most other guards, Helios is almost useless, not recommended to anyone, especially for beginners, since it is very expensive to manufacture, requiring a lot of oxyum. I advise you to download it only for ranked experience or if you want to scan opponents, but you are too lazy to do it manually. What’s the point of climbing the levels with a scanner and trying to scan something if you can read all this in the wiki.

Guardian Mods

Consider modules that are suitable for absolutely all guards and are recommended for use.

Regeneration – makes it possible to restore the guard once.

Defender – restores the owner’s shields when they are at zero. It is very effective in situations where your shield falls off. The defender restores it in a second.

Redirection – increases the power of the shield.

Vitality – raises the health of the guard.

I also want to say that the weapon of the guards is replaceable. That is, if you do not like the weapon that is currently installed on guard, you can always change it for another.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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