We show you where you can find Copper or Tin in Terraria and how you can transform it into ingots.After a couple of hours of playing and exploring the Terraria map , we will need to start improving our weapons and tools. To do this, the first mineral we will find and can obtain with our wooden pickaxe will be copper or tin , depending on which variant you have. That is why, in this guide we will tell you where to find it and how you can smelt it to be able to use this material.
How to get Copper or Tin in Terraria.
As we have already mentioned, copper or tin will be the first mineral you will need to progress, so it will not be very difficult to find. Copper and tin are found on the surface and underground , that is, the first biomes you will encounter.
To mine it, you can use a copper or tin pickaxe , which you can build using an iron or lead anvil.
How to get Copper or Tin ingots in Terraria
You already have the copper/tin, but now what? Well, this mineral, like the others, cannot be used as is, but you will have to smelt it in a furnace , which you can make using the wooden workbench.With copper ingots, you will be able to upgrade your tools, weapons, and workbenches , such as the main one and the anvil, not to mention that you will also be able to craft other types of tables and objects.