Where to find the Fortnite Doomsday Preppers guide

Want to know where to find the Doomsday Preppers guide in Fortnite? Fortnite’s alien conspiracy runs deeper in the week four legendary challenges, and it seems that Farmer Steel, one of the Fortnite NPCs, is playing a key role. After you search the farm for clues, visit every one of Farmer Steel’s favourite places, and place missing person signs in both Weeping Woods and Misty Meadow, you’ll be tasked with finding a tome to help you survive whatever it is that’s coming your way.

Like all of the other legendary challenges, it’s only available for this week, so make sure you finish all of them to gain experience for the Battle Pass and get those Fortnite skins. We’ve also got a guide to all the brand new Fortnite alien artifacts locations for this week – look out for them on your adventures so you can unlock more Kymera styles.

To help you out, here is the location for the Fortnite Doomsday Preppers guide on the map, as well as a more detailed description of where exactly you need to go to find this well-hidden tome of knowledge.


The Doomsday Preppers guide is found in Hydro 16, east of Slurpy Swamp. Head for the office on the ground floor of Hydro 16, in the southeastern corner of the building. Inside this room, there is a blue book with a llama design and a pencil strapped up to it. This is the Doomsday Preppers guide, so just press and hold the E button to pick it up and complete the challenge.

With the book in hand, you should now just need to forage for supplies to complete week four’s assortment of legendary challenges. The map has changed a fair bit since the start of the season. There is also now a minigame aboard the Fortnite mothership, parasites have infected some poor Fortnite animals, and you have an even better chance to find the alien weapons that are scattered throughout the map

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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