Where to find coupons for 11.11 in AliExpress

Do you want to make your first purchases for Christmas at reduced prices? We tell you where to find coupons for 11.11 in AliExpress.

After the strange Christmases of last year, this time it seems that everything will get a little closer to normal. But if you want everything to be perfect without the economic cost being too high, it is interesting to advance your purchases a little to get to take advantage of the discounts that come out at this time. And one of the things you can do is find out where to find coupons for 11.11 on AliExpress .

Although there are many sites that offer discounts for this date, it is best to find these coupons directly on the AliExpress website .

Although there are still a few days left until the appointed date arrives, AliExpress has already placed banners on its website from which we can easily access coupons and codes that will allow us to buy some of its star items at even cheaper prices.

The reason we recommend that you look for them on AliExpress and not on other pages that offer them is that it is the only way to ensure that they are real. The claim of discounts to buy online is common in scams and phishing , so it is always advisable to go to the official site.


If you have started reading this post, you may find the idea of ​​obtaining discounts for your purchases very good, but you may not even know exactly what the 11.11 of AliExpress 2021 is . 11.11 is a “holiday” celebrated in Asian countries where discounts are offered, similar to our sales or the already fully imported Black Friday. With globalization and the arrival of Chinese stores in our country, 11.11 is increasingly widespread in stores that also work in Spain and Europe.

Recall that, although it already has warehouses in Spain that has reduced order delays considerably, AliExpress is a Chinese store and many of the products we order are bought from sellers there. Therefore, the online giant has brought the dates on which discounts are usually made there , which can be beneficial for making Christmas purchases cheaper.


Once you’ve found them, you’re probably wondering how to use 11.11 coupons on AliExpress . The promotion of the Chinese store for this year has both discount codes and directly for products that will be on sale that special day.

If you are going to use one of the coupons, you will only have to copy the code and enter it in the corresponding box at the time of purchase. The website itself has a button to copy the code to the clipboard, so that the process is greatly facilitated. In the event that you want to access discounts without a coupon, what you can do is place the products you want in your shopping cart. In this way, when 11.11 arrives, all you have to do is finish the purchase process.

If you are looking for a specific product, we recommend that you visit AliExpress regularly from now on to make sure that you do not miss any of the available discounts.


If you are shopping for the first time on AliExpress to access the 11/11 discounts, we recommend that you first familiarize yourself with the platform. And for this, it can help you to read some of the articles that we have published about her recently: