Where to find carrots in Genshin Impact

There are a wide variety of plants and foods that one can find while exploring the world in Genshin Impact. They are used mainly in recipes. Carrots are one of the foods that can be difficult to overlook. Here’s where to find carrots in Genshin Impact and what they’re used for .

Where to find carrots in Genshin Impact and what they are used for

Source: Map Genie

Carrots are quite large in Genshin Impact and stick out of the ground in visible areas. Bunches of carrots grow together in patterns. The map above shows the locations of the hidden chests that appear after the carrots at these points are removed from the ground.

Just follow the map above to the chest locations, then press Square on PlayStation or F on PC to collect the carrots you find in those locations.

Using carrots for cooking

Cooking is the main use for carrots in Genshin Impact. This is a useful ingredient when looking to add passive benefits to your group. For example, carrots can be used to make a sticky honey roast, a dish that reduces stamina consumption when climbing and running.

If you ever need to get to a high point on a cliff or mountainside and you’re not sure you can get there, a plate like this will help you tremendously.

Using carrots for commissions

Liben is back at Genshin Impact with their Marvelous Merchandise event and is looking for, among other things, carrots. This daily commission requires carrots, mint, and meat.

If you can collect all of these things, the Liben’s Box or ‘Marvels bounty will provide Primogems, Mora, and Character EXP materials for your endeavors.

That’s all you need to know where to find carrots in Genshin Impact and what they are used for . Check out our wiki guide for the game if you’re looking for more Genshin Impact tips.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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