Where are downloaded Telegram videos and files saved?

It doesn’t matter what hardware you choose as your cell phone, if it’s an Android you’ll surely download Telegram. This is one of the mobile phone applications created to chat with friends. You can find it available on Android, iPhone and PC. On the other hand, whenever we use messaging applications, we receive files, videos, photos or music. These when opened are stored on the device, even if they are configured not to be downloaded. But, it is not always easy to find where they are saved on our device, be it the cell phone, Android, iPhone or PC.

How to See my Files, Photos or Videos Downloaded from Telegram on your Mobile and Computer Where are they?

In the world of mobile telephony, all the applications that we install on any device, no matter what hardware or technology you use. For example, if it is a phone or a PC, they generate folders in which the received or basic files of the application are downloaded. Also, sometimes these are available and allow you to search for files. Everything will depend on the operating system that gives access to where the videos and photos that are sent to you are kept.

Index(  )

  1. How to access downloaded Telegram files to view videos, images and photos
  2. How can I find where my Telegram files are saved on the phone?
    1. Find my Telegram files on my Android phone
    2. Find downloaded Telegram files on my iPhone
  3. Where are downloaded Telegram files saved on PC?
  4. What is the folder where images and videos downloaded from Telegram Desktop are stored?
  5. How to set up the downloads folder on Android, iPhone or PC
    1. Solution: The Telegram folder does not appear

How to access downloaded Telegram files to view videos, images and photos

If you want to see the photos, files or videos, which is stored in Telegram. We must access the application and find the files within the message or the channel where the photos, documents, videos are stored. In this way, it is possible to watch or play through the app, even if you do it from the PC with the hardware you prefer.

How can I find where my Telegram files are saved on the phone?

Within the world of mobile telephony, to be able to search for files, whether video or photos, on your Android cell phone and see where they are stored, you must install a download manager or file search engine. With this type of applications we can have access to all the information that is stored in the system. To do this, we will enter the file explorer, and from there, to the internal storage of the device.

In this space you can find several folders created by the system and applications. You will see, for example, the download or downloads folder, where the downloads made on the computer are stored, screenshot. With the screenshots made, and many more, including those of installed applications such as Telegram.

Once we enter the Telegram app folder, we will find different subfolders, each identified with the type of content they store. In this sense, we will have folders of audio, documents, images, videos, etc. By accessing any of the folders we can view the content (photos, videos, music) that they have shared with us. These are stored all together and organized by name or date, but you cannot locate the contact from whom we received it.

If we can’t see a file, we can use applications that allow us to open all kinds of files on Android. When entering the folders, we should be able to handle it like any other, that is, the option to share it, move it, save it or delete it from the device. Of course, you should keep in mind that not all files are organized in the same way, since when creating a private or secret chat.

One of its characteristics, the confidentiality of the information that is handled there , even deleting the files sent, so it is likely that you will not find them in the device’s storage, because there is no place where they are saved. Another option is to enter the Telegram application, select the attachment icon and mark file.

Once there you can access the Telegram folder of the mobile, which stores the files by default. In it, you can enter the folders and see where your documents, images and audios are stored.

Unlike the Android , iPhone operating system does not support accessing this type of folder. Since this technology, due to security measures, does not allow access to file folders of other software. In this case, the option is to go to the application within your iPhone to Telegram and locate where the chats are saved to share them from there.

Find my Telegram files on my Android phone

If you need to search for files downloaded from Telegram, and want to see the images and videos, you need to go to the folder that says ‘Files’. Inside that folder there will be another one with the name of ‘Telegram’, there you will be able to see the stored photos and videos of Telegram.

Find downloaded Telegram files on my iPhone

If you want to search for files that you have downloaded on Telegram on an iPhone, what you should do is go to the phone’s gallery and look for the folder named ‘Telegram’, there you will find the images and videos.

Where are downloaded Telegram files saved on PC?

If you are using Telegram web to be able to find the directory of the saved files , you must go to the downloads folder that you have configured on your computer. There you will find the images and videos that are stored in Telegram.

In the event that we use the application from the PC, we must access it with the file explorer, we look for the Downloads or downloads folder. Then, we go to the Telegram Desktop folder, entering it we will find where all the multimedia files are saved, such as videos and images that we have received, ordered by date.

Now, if you want to save your Telegram files in another location, you can also do it, for this you must enter the application, access the chat where the file to keep is located. Once located, we right click and select save as, once the window opens you can enter the destination where you want to have the file.

Also, you have a space on the internet, this technology allows you to keep your files regardless of the type. Cloud storage has no limit, but the files to be saved cannot exceed 1.5 GB.

What is the folder where images and videos downloaded from Telegram Desktop are stored?

As in Telegram web, the files you download from Telegram Desktop are stored in the ‘Downloads’ or ‘Downloads’ folder of your computer. Here you will get the directory of media files like videos and images.

How to set up the downloads folder on Android, iPhone or PC

To sort the download folder of Telegram files on Android, iOS or PC. You must go to the application settings and in the storage path choose the destination of the downloaded files.

Solution: The Telegram folder does not appear

Sometimes when you want to search for some images. And it is not possible to find the application folder inside the file directory of the Android phone. To solve this problem, you must first go to the Play Store, and update Telegram. Then, in the cell phone settings, and delete elements and the application cache.

Then, once the cache is cleared, you must open the application, and enter the settings and storage data. Finishing, you click on reset “auto download settings”. This way you can find where the Telegram folders are saved.