When to withdraw 2021 Emergency Aid [Calendar updated]

Check the 2021 Emergency Aid payment schedule to find out when to withdraw or transfer the R $ 250 installments.

The Emergency Aid of 2021 has already been defined with new rules and values ​​and begins to be sent on April 6 to the general public of the program. Those who had their installments paid in December 2020 continue to receive, the program will not have new registrations. The calendar for the four installments of R $ 250, R $ 375 or R $ 150 will continue until August for the last payment. Check out all the dates below.

  • How do I know if I will receive 2021 Emergency Aid
  • Do I need to update the Cashier to receive Emergency Aid?

App Caixa / Emergency Aid (Image: Melissa Cruz Cossetti / Tecnoblog)

Emergency Aid Calendar 2021 for the general public

For those who signed up through the application or had the benefit of CadÚnico , the calendar below refers to the payment dates in Caixa Tem’s digital social savings , according to the beneficiary’s date of birth.

Birth month 1st installment 2nd installment 3rd installment 4th installment
January 4/6 5/16 6/20 7/23
February 4/9 5/19 6/23 7/25
March 4/11 5/23 6/25 7/28
April 4/13 5/26 6/27 8/1
May 4/15 5/28 6/30 8/3
June 4/18 5/30 7/4 8/5
July 4/20 6/2 7/7 08/08
August 4/22 6/06 7/9 8/11
September 4/25 6/9 7/11 8/15
October 4/27 6/11 7/14 8/18
November 4/29 6/13 7/18 8/20
December 4/30 6/16 7/21 8/22

Calendar for withdrawals and transfers of Aid

Below are the 2021 Emergency Aid release dates for withdrawals, bank transfers and payments through Pix . Recalling that: once the money is available in Caixa Tem’s digital social savings, it can be sent to other bank accounts or digital wallets, such as the PicPay application, using the deposit feature by boleto or virtual card .

  • How to transfer Emergency Aid to PicPay, Mercado Pago, Nubank and SumUp
Birth month 1st installment 2nd installment 3rd installment 4th installment
January 5/4 6/8 7/13 8/13
February 5/6 6/10 7/15 8/17
March 5/10 6/15 7/16 8/19
April 5/12 6/17 7/20 8/23
May 5/14 6/18 7/22 8/25
June 5/18 6/22 7/27 8/27
July 5/20 6/24 7/29 08/30
August 5/21 6/29 7/30 9/1
September 5/25 7/1 8/4 9/3
October 5/27 7/2 08/06 9/6
November 6/01 7/5 8/10 9/8
December 6/4 7/8 8/12 9/10

2021 Aid Calendar for Bolsa Família

The Ministry of Citizenship said that the Emergency Aid payment schedule in 2021 will follow the same schedule as Bolsa Família, for people who are part of the program. As in 2020, payment dates are ordered according to the NIS ( Social Identification Number ) number.

NIS 1st installment 2nd installment 3rd installment 4th installment
1 April 16 May 18th June 17 July, 19
two April 19th May 19 June 18 July 20
3 April 20 20 of May June 21th July 21
4 April 22nd May 21 June 22 July, 22
5 April 23 May 24th June 23 July 23
6 April 26 may 25th June 24 July 26
7 April 27 May 26th June 25th July 27
8 April 28 may, 27 June 28 July 28
9 April 29 May 28 June 29 July 29
0 April 30th may 31st June 30 July 30

How much will I receive from the 2021 Emergency Aid?

Bolsa Família beneficiaries will receive the highest amount: if the amount of Emergency Aid is greater than the amount of Bolsa Família, the priority is for the aid; if the value of Bolsa Família is higher, this remains.

Recalling that there will be four installments for 2021:

  • R $ 250 for families;
  • R $ 375 for single mothers;
  • R $ 150 for those who live alone.

If the person receiving the Bolsa Família has the Emergency Assistance installments, the Bolsa Família will be suspended for the four months that the payment is made, returning in August.

In which account will the Aid be deposited?

For Bolsa Família beneficiaries, Emergency Aid will be deposited in the account informed to the program. The remaining subscribers will receive the amount in digital social savings, through the Caixa Tem application.

by Abdullah Sam
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