We tell you how to determine the ripeness of root crops and stock them up for the winter.
It all depends on the variety. Early ripe beets ripen 50–80 days after germination, and are usually harvested at the end of July or August. Mid-season needs 80-100 days, that is, it will be ready around the end of August. The harvest of late beets is taken out of the ground in 100-135 days – that is, in September.
Root crops can ripen earlier or later than the stated dates. It all depends not only on the variety, but also on weather conditions, the amount of fertilizing, watering, as well as diseases and pest attacks.
How to understand that the beets are ripe
An adult root crop almost always rises above the ground. If its size suits you and matches what the seed manufacturer promised, you can start harvesting.
Frame: Garden of Life / YouTube
Another sign of beet maturity is yellowing or even shrunken lower leaves.
Frame: Garden of Life / YouTube
How to harvest beets
Go to the cottage on a dry sunny day. Usually harvesting beets is not difficult: just get the roots out of the ground, holding on to the tops.
Frame: Garden of Life / YouTube
In rare cases, when the soil is very wet and heavy, you can carefully dig the soil with a garden fork or a shovel, retreating from the bush about 10 cm. After that, the vegetable will easily stretch.
Credit: OgorodGid/YouTube
Clean the beets from the remnants of the soil. It is convenient to do this with hands in fabric gloves. Then cut off the tops of the root crops with secateurs, a knife or scissors, leaving a tail of about 1 cm.
Frame: My favorite dacha, Tatyana / YouTube
Spread the beets in a single layer under a canopy. If no rain is expected, you can leave it right in the garden.
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Frame: My favorite dacha, Tatyana / YouTube
The crop should dry out a little until the cuts on the tops are tightened. It usually takes about 6 hours.
What to do with beets after harvesting
Sort the roots. Put the damaged ones separately and try to eat them first. Whole vegetables can be sent for wintering. For information on how to properly store beets in the cellar and apartment, read our material.