When a child turns one year old, parents usually start offering him food from the common table. At the same time, they often do not think that not all products can be useful and nutritious for the baby. When forming a child’s diet, it is necessary to take into account that as the child grows and develops, his digestive system, as well as enzymes and the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract (intestinal motility) are also formed.
If the family adheres to the principles of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, then most likely the child will be comfortable switching to adult food. But if parents prefer fried, fatty dishes, sauces, pastries and fast food, then such a diet can harm the growing body.
What foods are best excluded from a child’s menu
Fried foods with a crust (fried chicken, meat or fish, potatoes, mushrooms). Even vegetables cooked in a frying pan are undesirable. The crust is formed due to the denaturation of protein during frying. It contains toxic substances that irritate the gastric mucosa. Therefore, it is better to bake products in the oven, steam them or cook them in a microwave oven.
Burgers, French fries, pizza and sodas contain a lot of fat and/or sugar, which contributes to obesity and increases the risk of diabetes.
Canned fish, meat (not baby food), pickles, marinades. They contain a large amount of salt, seasonings and vinegar. All these substances have a negative effect on the kidneys and cardiovascular system.
Fatty meats – pork, lamb, duck, goose . The meat of these animals and birds contains heavy fats that the immature enzyme system of a child’s body cannot digest.
Confectionery: cakes and pastries with cream, fresh pastries . They are also full of fats, sugar and preservatives, which is harmful to the normal functioning of the stomach, liver and intestines of the child. It is better not to abuse such products.
Semi-finished products of industrial production: frozen cutlets, meatballs, pancakes, pelmeni, vareniki . They also contain many components that are undesirable for a child’s body – preservatives, flavor enhancers, various flavorings, salt. Such food has a negative effect on the hepatobiliary system: the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts. Toxic hepatitis, cholecystitis and biliary dyskinesia can develop. If you take semi-finished products, make sure that the composition is as natural as possible.
It is necessary to take into account that a number of products are allergens . These include red fish, salmon caviar, seafood (shrimp, shellfish), chocolate, nuts, citrus fruits, grapes, melon, various multi-colored dragee candies. It is better not to offer them to children under three years of age, as urticaria or atopic dermatitis with skin rashes and itching are possible, in some cases even an acute allergic reaction develops (Quincke’s edema).
And the last thing worth mentioning: a meal schedule is very important for children. It helps the body develop fully and strengthens the digestive system. And, of course, the products should be fresh and high-quality. And healthy and tasty dishes will be obtained from them with “healthy” cooking methods