What to do if a condom breaks?

A condom is one of the most reliable means of protection against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. But sometimes it breaks and loses all its properties. We asked a gynecologist how to minimize the risks and what to do if a condom breaks. 

What can cause a condom to break?

Low-quality material. If you bought a fake or uncertified product, there is a risk that the latex will be of poor quality. It is better to buy contraceptives in pharmacies or sex shops.

Incorrect storage conditions. Do not store condoms in places where the material can be damaged. For example, in a wallet or jeans pocket. It is also better to avoid too low or high temperatures, otherwise the latex will be destroyed. 

Expired expiration date. Condoms are usually stored for 3-5 years. After that, there are no guarantees of protection against pregnancy or disease – the material deteriorates. 

Damaged packaging. Before using a condom, pinch part of the packaging and check for air inside. If there is an air cushion, the condom is intact; if not, throw it in the trash.

Incorrect opening of the package. Do not unpack condoms with your teeth, scissors, a knife, or long nails. The package must be opened with your hands as carefully and gently as possible so as not to damage the product. 

Incorrect putting on. The condom is put on the erect penis. With one hand, you need to squeeze the tip of the product to release excess air. With the other hand, completely unroll the condom along its entire length. If there is air left in the condom, it cannot be used. 

Using two condoms at once. They will rub against each other and both will break. 

Wrong size. Condoms need to be selected individually. If you take too small, there is a higher risk that it will break during sex. 

Using oil instead of water-based lubricant. Latex is broken down by oils. Keep them away from the condom, as well as Vaseline, cream, and other products not intended for sex. 

Insufficient lubrication, lack of lubricant , using a condom for more than 20 minutes or several times also leads to destruction of the material.

How to tell if a condom has broken

After sex you noticed a hole in the condom

Usually this situation does not cause any confusion: it is clearly visible that the condom has broken, and there is no sperm in the special collection container.

The condom remained in the woman’s vagina

This can happen if the condom breaks at the base and falls off during sex. The second option is that the condom was not the right size. It can also fall off after sex, when the erection has subsided. To prevent this from happening, the partner needs to carefully remove the penis from the vagina, holding the condom at the base.

If the condom remains in the vagina, you need to carefully remove it with clean hands.

The sensations during sex have changed

If one of the partners feels that something has changed, it is better to stop and check the integrity of the condom.

What to do if a condom breaks

Rule out pregnancy

If you are not planning to have children and the condom breaks, it is better to see a doctor as soon as possible. You can use emergency contraception , but ideally, a consultation with a gynecologist is needed to prescribe medications.

Get tested for STIs

A broken condom increases the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections. You should see a doctor and get tested .

  • It is worth getting tested for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis no earlier than after a month.
  • For STIs – after at least 10 days.

It is not worth getting tested before these dates, as the results may be incorrect. 

You should not douche with any means. Firstly, it will not cure STIs and, on the contrary, can even provoke the development of an infection. Secondly, douching has a negative effect on the normal microflora and disrupts it.