What not to ask Alexa (the questions not to ask)

Do you want to know what not to ask Alexa ? Here are the questions you should never, ever ask Amazon Alexa and other voice assistants.

After explaining what to ask Alexa , here are the craziest things you could ask and you should definitely avoid. We did some extensive research on Amazon’s virtual assistant and found that there are a few things you should avoid asking unless you want some creepy laughs or ruthless answers.

Alexa listens to everything around her, not only that, she records and sends information to Amazon . That’s why whatever you ask Alexa she will give you an answer.

The questions you should never, ever ask Amazon Alexa

Let’s take a look at all the questions you should never ask Amazon Alexa , but if you want to have fun asking them, we’re sure you’ll be surprised.

  • Alexa works for the CIA
  • Alexa how old are you?
  • Alexa was born first the chicken or the egg
  • Alexa how do animals scream?
  • Alexa do you believe in ghosts?
  • Alexa where is Chuck Norris?
  • Alexa are you married?
  • Alexa give me a kiss?
  • Alexa fai beatbox?
  • Alexa tell me a joke about mom?
  • Alexa mi ami?
  • Alexa what is 10 raised to the power of 308?
  • Alexa can you laugh?
  • Alexa can you talk to Siri?
  • Alexa tell me about the 90s?
  • Alexa tell me what happens after death?
  • Alexa where did we come from?
  • Will Alexa calculate the Greek PI for me?
  • Alexa, are there aliens?
  • Alexa can you count?
  • Alexa what do you think of Cortana?
  • Alexa am I your father?
  • Alexa can you give me some money?
  • Alexa what is a chemtrail?
  • Alexa who is your master
  • Alexa how old are you?
  • Alexa tell me a riddle
  • Alexa how much do you weigh?
  • Alexa can you sing?
  • How does Alexa the crocodile?
  • Alexa what do you think of Siri?
  • Alexa what do you think of Google Home?
  • Alexa mi fai a sandwich?
  • Alexa what’s your favorite color?
  • Alexa do you speak like Yoda?
  • Alexa is winter coming?
  • Alexa old hen?
  • Alexa do you like pizza?
  • Alexa are you blue?
  • Alexa what happens if you step on a Lego?
  • Alexa can you meow?