Yogic relaxation is an indispensable part of  yoga practice , and at the same time the most important for the whole body. Unfortunately, nowadays, more and more emphasis is placed on physical form, not paying attention to the much-needed energy relaxation and renewal of the whole body, both during and at the end of the yoga practice itself.

One of the reasons that led to the absence of that practice, that instructors do not practice yogic relaxation, is that today there is a ubiquitous mass “punching” of yoga instructors. Accordingly, many future instructors come from other systems, mainly the fitness world, gyms, in which relaxation of the body does not mean yogic relaxation, but makes these same instructors run away from such a way like the devil from the cross.

By not doing yogic relaxation, these same instructors energetically take away a lot from their exercisers. In this way, yoga practice is not complete and therefore cannot be spoken of as such, but “as a training of stretching and strength. There is a great expression among the people for that:  “You painted in vain.”

In addition to yogic relaxation or so-called yoga nidra, these same instructors also pay insufficient attention to breathing techniques , body posture  in the positions themselves, gangs (muscle contractions), etc. But let’s get back to yoga nidra, other elements of yoga practice will be discussed more in future texts.

Yoga nidra generally means that the practitioners are in the savasana (dead position), or they can sit in the padmasana (lotus position). Which of these two positions to choose, depends entirely on the exercisers themselves, the only important factor is that they be completely relaxed and focused on breathing and thought flow.

According to the old yogic scriptures, every 45 to 50 minutes of practice comes 10 minutes of energy renewal and relaxation of the whole body. This way of restoring and relaxing the body involves voice guidance by the instructor himself. The instructor relaxes part by part of the body, bringing the physical body into a state of total relaxation and internal pulsation. Every part of the body is renewed energetically, starting from the toes to the top of the head.

During this way of relaxation, neither the internal organs, nor the cells of the whole body are forgotten, except for the physical body itself, all our other bodies are relaxed and renewed. During yoga nidra, people who are guided through relaxation at the same time try to completely calm their thought flow, directing their attention to breathing. At the very beginning, this is a big challenge for most, but over time, things fall into place and thoughts calm down. It often happens that one of the practitioners falls asleep during yoga nidra, but totally irrelevant because our subconscious works even in those moments. Listens, remembers and applies .

If you go to yoga, but you have not experienced yogic relaxation, feel free to ask the instructor where the yoga nidra “disappeared” at the end of the practice.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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