What is the UMF and what is it for?

Mexico is a fair country, where even the seniority premium is calculated partially and equitably, therefore these social security benefits are granted to the population that has a work or retirement link with the Mexican social protection service, and can be received constantly even if you retire or if you are the husband or wife of someone who suffers a death and was a pensioner

It also has certain characteristics such as that it is only for adults (in the case of children) and that in the case of spouses it can only be done if the insured is previously registered with the UMF.

What do I do if I lose my IMSS Card? What is Needed to Replace or Request Again?


  • What is the UMF and what is it for?
  • What documents do I need to replace my card?

What is the UMF and what is it for?

The UMF refers to the Family Medical Unit, if you want to receive social security benefits you must register in the area of Affiliation and Validity of Rights in the Family Medicine Unit (UMF) that touches you and this will be the closest to you tax residence

How do I know what my UMF is?

To find your closest Family Medical Unit, you must enter the official IMSS portal and search for the corresponding area or you can download it directly from the Play Store, you will find it as IMSS Digital

If you have an iPhone or an iOS system you can also download it from the App Store, it is found as IMSS Digital and finally if you want it on your Windows PC, you just have to look for it in The Microsoft Store as IMSS Digital PC

Once you have the corresponding app according to your device, you must take charge of the registration to be able to process your  card or card, for this you will have to have certain documents at hand when registering from the app, another option is to call the service number at client of

What documents do I need to replace my card?

Replacing your card once the app is downloaded will be very easy by accessing the options menu and looking for the corresponding option, once there  you will be asked for these documents:

  • Official identification(valid passport, voting credential (INE), professional identification card, military service card, consular registration card, card / card / identity card in case of foreigners
  • Social Security number.
  • Child-sized photograph.
  • Proof of address (Lease or sublease contract, accompanied by the last payment receipt with an antiquity of no more than three months, of property and vehicle ownership must be from the current year; or certified copy of your property deeds, or account statement with an antiquity no more than three months, issued by the institutions of the financial system.)
  • Birth certificate or adoption certificateor recognition certificate.

It is important to mention that in the case of children, it only applies until they are 25 years old, then the child would have to give social security to himself, parents can only give social security to their children as  long as they continue studying after the age of 16

In other words, if the son or daughter does not study after the age of 16,  they cannot have social security from the parents , and if they do, they require a letter from the school.

Once you have these documents, the official app will guide you to get your card by email, you can even change the resolution so that it looks much better, if you want to obtain it physically you should go to your Family Medicine Unit (UMF) that is closest to you (same that you have obtained from the app) remember that to edit the PDF from your mobile you must do it from your Android or iOS device

This is available from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 14:00 hours, in units with morning shift; and from 08:00 to 19:30, in units with morning and evening shifts, this will be indicated by your app.

Once done it is easy to get your data again; Remember that social security always saves your information so you don’t lose it in the future. Although it would be better if you don’t lose it for it, I recommend that you keep a copy in a safe place; and have it in PDF on your mobile device, so it will be impossible for you to lose it again