What is the maximum number of columns and rows in Excel?

The theoretical limit on the number of rows and columns in Microsoft Office Excel is clearly defined.If you exceed this mark, a pop-up message will appear The file is not fully loaded . It has the following description:

  • The file contains more than 1,048,576 lines or 16,384 columns. To resolve this issue, open the original file in a text editor such as Microsoft Office Word. Save the original file as multiple smaller files that meet this row and column limit, and then open the smaller files in Microsoft Office Excel. If the original data cannot be opened in a text editor, try importing the data into Microsoft Office Access, and then exporting subsets of the data from Access to Excel.
  • The area where you are trying to insert tab-delimited data is too small. To solve this problem, select an area on the sheet that is large enough to accommodate each delimited item.

So what is the maximum number of rows and columns supported in an Excel worksheet? Let’s figure it out!

Maximum number of rows and columns in Excel

By default, Excel supports three worksheets in a workbook file, and each worksheet can support up to 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns of data. Workbooks, however, can have more than three worksheets if the computer supports enough memory for the additional data.

Several Office users seem to be of the opinion that the 64-bit version of Excel can support more rows or columns than the 32-bit version. This is true? While it might seem possible in theory or remotely, it is certainly not true as the number of rows / columns is limited by the product version, not the number of “bits” it supports.

Moreover, having large sheet sizes exclusively for the 64-bit version of Excel will cause some kinds of unknown compatibility issues. Microsoft strongly wants its Worksheet to be available to all copies of Excel and versions, whether 32-bit or 64-bit. It is only when data is inserted into a worksheet that other factors, such as the amount of computer memory, play a role in determining the boundaries of rows, columns, and cells.

Having said that, there is one way that you can find the number of rows and columns in Excel Worksheet and answer the question yourself. Here’s how!

  • To determine the maximum number of rows, place the cursor in an empty column and press Ctrl + Down Arrow. The action will take you to the last row.
  • Likewise, to find the maximum number of columns, place the cursor on an empty line and press Ctrl + Right arrow. This will take you to the last column.
by Abdullah Sam
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