What is the HTTP protocol, what is it for and how does it work? – Examples

One of the elements that make up the connection network is the HTTP protocol, since it establishes the same language that allows compression between the request made by the client and the Internet content.

Navigation is a complex network that allows the exchange of data by computers , where protocols set the standard to order and facilitate transmission. All this is done through the World Wide Web, which are nothing more than a set of pages, domains and servers in charge of managing information.

This protocol was created out of the need to facilitate the way in which this data was distributed through the network , in such a way that it would not cause inconvenience or displeasure for users who performed searches within a browser.

Its launch dates back to 1999, based on an idea that the World Wide Web Consortium had, also receiving collaboration from the Internet Engineering Task Force. Because it is a very necessary aspect, defining it and explaining how it works is something that we will dedicate ourselves to doing in this article.

How could you define the HTTP protocol?

The initials that make up its name are the initials of HyperText Transfer Protocol, which does not mean more than “Hypertext Transfer Protocol”.

As its name indicates, it is a server that deals with error-free data transmission , which is enabled every time a client (user and browser program) executes a request through the Internet.

Within the navigation platform, the HTTP protocol serves as a code that allows both computers to understand each other , and thus process the information to be transmitted. Said coding is made up of a series of criteria that establish a form and meaning to the syntax that makes up the protocol itself, thus achieving communication.

Likewise, it manages to establish the guidelines that the requests made by customers must follow, in order to generate successful results.

HTTP protocol performance method

So far we have implied that the sequences of this protocol work in a request and response order , established between two computers, where one represents the client and the other the web server that owns the content.

In this way a reciprocal communication is formed, with the aim of marking a beginning, development and closure of the data transmission between them.

A very simple example is when you decide to open your favorite web page, the procedure of which takes a sequence of opening the browser, entering the URL and pressing “Enter . 

From this point on, the explorer program begins communication with the server where the information you have requested is hosted.

On the other hand, said server will be in charge of establishing the way in which the information to be sent will be transmitted : the position of the text, images and other content.

This is how through the protocol an exchange of codes is created, which result in the representation of the information requested on the screen of your computer.

What is the HTTPS protocol about?

This is nothing more than an extension of the HTTP protocol, with the difference that a secure data exchange connection is established through it .

That is, it is a variable that is responsible for forming a space, which is protected by encryption, to transmit sensitive information. An example of this is passwords.

Its creation was based on the fact that, through the usual protocol, any third party is able to access the data that is being exchanged between the client and the server. Therefore, to avoid these types of circumstances, HTTPS creates a series of “layers” in the network that is only decryptable between the computers that carry out the transmission.

Currently, it is the most recommended version for users, as it prevents the theft of information and invasion of privacy , which is very common within Internet platforms and pages.


by Abdullah Sam
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