What is the goal setting theory proposed by Edwin A. Locke

In case you ask yourself, what is the advantage and disadvantage of Locke’s goal setting theory? Please read the following information carefully. It would also be useful to know the advantages and disadvantages of participatory leadership theories . Without further ado let’s continue with this guide.

What is the Advantage and Disadvantage of Locke’s Goal Setting Theory?

Locke’s goal setting theory

The theory of goal setting was born in 1968, devised by Edwin A. Locke, an American psychologist. In fact, Edwin A. Locke is recognized as one of the most prominent figures in goal-related theories.

Also related to this theory, you may be interested in knowing what differences exist between the ‘vertical’ and the ‘horizontal’ organizational structure . Certainly, when you want to start, finding out about these trends does not hurt.

What is the goal setting theory proposed by Edwin A. Locke?

The theory of goal setting indicates that motivation has a great influence on action and in turn the objectives also affect development. These phenomena will establish the perseverance, intensity and commitment of individuals.

In short, the proposal made by Edwin A. Locke prompts people to reflect and ask a single question. In this exercise, individuals must ask themselves if there is total motivation to strive for a specific goal.

Understanding the previous proposal, it is concluded that a complicated goal tends to increase people’s motivation. Consequently, capabilities and overall performance will be enhanced when there is a true commitment to goals.

What is the advantage and disadvantage of Locke’s goal setting theory?

Some interesting aspects that you should keep in mind about goal setting theory translate into positives and negatives , which we will discuss below.

Set the course to follow

Understanding the condition proposed by Locke’s goal-setting theory, the support for an objective is precisely setting the goals properly . Given this, it is fair to indicate that the course to be followed to achieve said objective is also established to a certain extent.

In other words, simply setting the goal makes the process of achieving it happen naturally. This is undoubtedly absolutely necessary if one is to achieve a goal that seems distant and difficult.

Give resolutions and create a commitment

Setting objectives and goals makes you work to achieve them. Working with goals in mind has been shown to improve overall performance. This translates into an improvement in commitment and purposes , which are clearly born at the time of establishing a specific goal.

It is accurate and planned

Setting a goal is equivalent to organizing in a better way, it is well known that a company, person or organization without goals will not go far. The aforementioned occurs because in the absence of clear goals and objectives, organization is needed. On the other hand, setting a goal intrinsically entails establishing action plans .

The foregoing refers to planning, a fundamental aspect present in Locke’s goal-setting theory. Undeniably, to achieve considerable goals, planning is necessary and always present in this methodology.

To further accentuate this condition or advantage of the theory, it is convenient that you know the importance of an organizational structure for the success of a company . In addition to the aforementioned, it is worth knowing the other pole, that is, the negative effects on the organizational culture .

The attitude, the only disadvantage

Beyond a disadvantage, because certainly this theory does not have tangible disadvantages , is the lack of individual judgment and commitment. The problem is not setting goals, but being aware of everything that is required to achieve them. This means that attitude will be the only drawback that can arise when using this theory.

A person not committed to the end goal or goal simply won’t feel like or focused. The lack of focus is then the main problem that arises before this type of approach.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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