What is the fastest Pokémon?

Although we can rely on the natural attributes of Pokémon video games, if we focus on the actual physical data, the answer changes.

These are the two fastest Pokémon if we take into account the actual physical data

Be it the first, second, third or any other of the eight generations, there is no doubt that Pokémon is one of the favorite franchises around the world. Despite the fact that the charismatic world of pocket monsters was launched for the first time more than two decades ago, it is still one of the most active video game sagas with the largest community of followers. It currently has more than 800 different species and they have gone from being part of programming codes to stuffed animals, card games and even anime series of various seasons or movies.

  • The 10 fastest Pokémon in the entire saga

Within video games we have access to all kinds of statistical information such as points of health, attack, defense and speed. We can take advantage of these natural attributes of Pokémon to attack or defend ourselves in combat. And although we can rely on the speed record to find which is the fastest creature in the entire franchise, the truth is that if we rely on real physical data, we will find a completely different and very surprising result.

Believe it or not, Arcanine is considered one of the fastest Pokémon in the history of the saga. In just 24 hours it is said that it can run a whopping 10,000 kilometers, which is equivalent to about 400 kilometers per hour. The second place would go to Dragonite, since it is capable of breaking the sound barrier flying at a speed of 2,518 kilometers per hour and going around the world in just 15 hours.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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