What is the difference between goals and objectives?

Goals are milestones with a fixed duration that assist in the development of a project. Objectives are more general than goals, representing what you want to achieve or the purpose of a project.

In order for an objective to be achieved, in general, related goals are created that lead to that objective. Thus, goals are part of planning an objective.

Goals Goals
Meaning Several points or milestones stipulated that relate to the path by which the project must develop. Goals must be developed and reviewed throughout the project. Purpose of a project. It is related to the idea of ​​where you want to go. The objective must be defined in the initial phase of a project.
Features They are simpler and easier to reach targets, determined from a certain time. These are tasks that guide the route and serve as a diagnosis capable of perceiving failures and improving productivity. Purpose, guiding framework for all actions within a project.
Duration Short term. Setting new goals as they are achieved. Long term. The project is developed based on the objective to be achieved.
Occupation ·         Avoid losing focus on the goal.

·         Diagnose errors and successes.

·         Motivate the person or team.

·         Find out the purpose or why of a project.

·         Guide a project.

Thus, the difference between goal and objective is the breadth of each one. Goals are the means to achieve a purpose. That purpose is the objective.

What is goal?

Goal means an attainable milestone within a project. Goals are tasks that tend to change according to the success in achieving them, they are strategies for the development of an enterprise.

Goals are strategies to achieve a goal

To achieve the same objective, several goals can be defined, creating a well-defined path to achieve the success of the enterprise.

Goal Examples

Take for example a person who wants to run a marathon. For that, she will have to draw up a plan. The goal is to participate in the race and complete its 42 km. The goals will be understood as the planning of milestones that can make your wish possible.

The goals could be thought of as:

  • Start physical conditioning and training.
  • Start a healthy diet appropriate to the proposal.
  • Find shoes suitable for running.
  • Enroll in smaller races to gain experience.
  • Register and run the marathon.

In this way, goals can be thought of as the path to reach the goal. After all, the person in the example needs planning, a strategy, it is not enough to just sign up and think that they will be able to reach the goal.

The same is true if a person takes the place of a company. It is necessary to plan the goals that make it possible to achieve the objective. The planning of a company involves defining an objective and stipulating goals (tasks) that lead to the success of the enterprise.

What is objective?

Objective means the specific and general definition of what is desired with a project or enterprise. Has the idea of ​​the purpose of the action, be it individual, collective or business. The objective must be the purpose of all decision making within a project.

Objective is the definition of the purpose of an enterprise

The focus on the objective is important for the definition of goals and for the development of any project. For this reason, it is of great importance that the objectives are very well defined to avoid ambiguities that can disturb or cause confusion in the person, or people involved.

The objective operates as a project finish line and guides all decision making. The objective is the reason for the strategies developed.

Strategic planning

For those interested in strategic planning and business management, some tools are useful for setting goals and objectives. Over time, management experts have defined some strategies that will assist in the development of a project.

These methods can be very important for anyone who wants to start a personal or corporate project.

Some examples:

  1. Smart

According to the smart method, objectives and targets are based on five central points:

  • Specific– The objective or goal must be simple, clear and objective, avoiding ambiguities or doubts.
  • Measurable(measurable) – The success of the goal or the goal should be simple to measure.
  • Attainableachievable (attainable / achievable) – The goals and objectives should be achievable, goals unlikely generate frustration and discourage.
  • Realistic– Goals and objectives must be well thought out, real, possible for success based on organization and strategy.
  • Time-based(time) – There must be a certain time for the project to succeed, it cannot be an “eternal search”.


Another tool for planning is the so-called 5w2h, a series of questions that must be answered for the development of the project.

  • 5W– What? (What?) Define the objective; Why? (Why?) Motivations; Onde? (Where?) Project location; When? (When?) Duration; Who? (Who?) Responsible / team.
  • 2H– How? (How?) In what way ?; How much? (How much?) Definition of expenses.
  1. PDCA

PDCA is a tool that represents a cycle of action within a project.

  • Plan– Draw an action plan, define goals and objectives.
  • Do(Do) – Put into practice what was planned.
  • Check– Check the results of the actions.
  • Act– Reproduce successes, correct failures and start a new cycle.
  1. SWOT

The swot matrix can also be an important tool for planning and managing a project.

It is a diagnosis based on the definition of positive and negative points:

  • Strengths( Strengths )
  • Weaknesses(Weakness)
  • Opportunities(Opportunities)
  • Threats(Threats)


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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