What is the difference between conscience and conscious?

How does the conscious mind differ from the conscience? These two terms are sometimes confused in common everyday usage, but they actually mean many different things within the field of psychology. Let’s take a closer look at what each term means and how you can distinguish between the two concepts.

Conscience vs conscious

Your conscience is the part of your personality that helps you decide between right and wrong.

It makes you guilty when you do something bad and good when you do something of the sort.

In Freudian theory , the conscience is part of the superego that contains information about what your parents and society consider bad or negative – all the values ​​you learned and absorbed during your education. The conscience arises over time as you gather information about what is judged right and wrong by your caregivers, your peers, and the culture in which you live.

Your consciousness, on the other hand, is your awareness of yourself and the world around you. In general, it means being awake and aware. In psychology, the conscious mind encompasses everything of your consciousness, including things like perceptions, sensations, feelings, thoughts, memories, and fantasies.

While conscience and consciousness are two very different things, consciousness and consciousness are virtually interconnected.

Your consciousness refers to your conscious experiences, your individual awareness of your own internal thoughts, feelings, memories and sensations. Awareness is often seen as a stream that is constantly shifting according to the ebb and flow of your thoughts and experiences of the world around you.

The consciousness and consciousness can be difficult to pin down. As the psychologist and philosopher William James once explained, “We know its meaning as long as no one asks us to define it.” However, some experts suggest that you are considered conscious if you can put it into words.

Consciousness and Consciousness: Definitions and Observations

There are a few things to note that can help keep these two terms separate in your mind. According to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of personality , the mind is often compared to an iceberg. The part of the iceberg that can be seen above the surface of the water represents conscious awareness. This is what we are aware of and can clearly describe and articulate. Most of the iceberg actually lies below the surface of the water, which is Freud compared to the unconscious mind, or all the thoughts, memories, and urges that are beyond our conscious consciousness.

Other experts also point out that consciousness is not just a simple mental process. “Awareness is commonly defined as awareness of your thoughts, actions, feelings, sensations, perceptions, and other mental processes,” explain authors Bernstein, Penner, and Roy.

“This definition indicates that consciousness is an aspect of many mental processes, rather than being a mental process on its own. For example, memories may be conscious, but consciousness is not just memory. Perceptions can be conscious, but consciousness is not just perception. ”

The conscience, on the other hand, is what keeps you from responding to your most basic urges and desires. Your conscience is the moral basis that helps guide prosocial behavior and guides you to act in socially acceptable and even altruistic ways .

When you think of these two concepts, just remember that conscious means you need to be awake and aware, while conscience means your inner sense of right and wrong .

A Word From

While the two terms are often confused, the conscious and the conscience refer to many different things. As described above, your consciousness is your awareness of yourself and the world around you. Your conscience is your ability to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. Your consciousness allows you to be aware of your place in the world, while your conscience enables you to act in moral and socially acceptable ways in this world.


by Abdullah Sam
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