What is the clock tower for in Clash of Clans?

The Clock Tower in Clash of Clans is one of the buildings that can help you improve a good number of aspects a little faster. Its use is quite interesting, therefore, here you can learn a little more about it.

What is the Clock Tower for in Clash of Clans? – Tricks and tips

What is the clock tower in Clash of Clans?

Despite being a simple building, the clock tower is basic to help the development of your village, it can provide you with excellent features. Especially it can be useful in times of battle where you can need troops quickly. The most important thing in this game is to build a good village and know how to defend it.

The first level of this structure can be built once you have level 4 of the Builder’s Workshop. From that moment on you will be able to increase the level of your building, which greatly improves the speeding up time given by this tower.

In terms of the image, this tower looks quite neutral, on level one it is just a tower with a clock and it can be seen broken. As he progresses in levels, he reaches number 9, the last one so far, where his appearance is quite refined.

The function of the Clock Tower in Clash of Clans is to streamline the processes of the Builder Base. You must bear in mind that this occurs only for a short period of time, although it becomes greater as you level up.

Playing with this building can be very beneficial for your strategy, but you should know when to use it, as it is not always ideal. Consider that you can streamline all the processes of your base, therefore, it is preferable that it is activated at the right time that helps to develop the village.

It is very important that you consider that the recovery of the Clock Tower can be quite long , so prepare yourself with some gems. If you can’t count on gems to speed it up, you’ll need to use it wisely.

The gems can be obtained by buying them in the store or by destroying objects such as rocks and trees. Although you can also acquire them for free as well as elixir and gold .

In addition to having a correct clock tower, it is recommended that you also have and grow your town hall.

How to have a great strategy using this tower?

The first thing you should know is that this is not a structure that provides attack or defense, basically it is simply a tower that speeds things up a bit. Therefore, the smartest thing to do is to place it at a point that, during an attack, becomes a distraction for enemy troops .

Bear in mind that it is quite difficult to know when the tower should be activated, the ideal is that you use it when it is really necessary. There are some moments when it can be very useful, such as when you have to make troops urgently.

In addition, it is often recommended that it be used to quickly re-establish attack buildings or to speed up troop training. Time is a great ally if used wisely.

You can get great results if you implement a strategy where a use of the tower helps you create different objects at the same time. In such a way that your village grows quickly thanks to an intelligent use of the helps that the game gives you.

Always remember that the tower will streamline all the processes of the builder’s base . Therefore, you should know that any structure or troop that you create will benefit. You can check its usage with your friends and help each other come up with a great strategy.

Finally, if the tower is one of the strengths of your strategy, save it and use it at the right time , otherwise, you can use it as a shield. Whenever something is useful to defend yourself, use it, nothing is worth more than achieving a victory with an excellent and well thought out strategy.

The more you win, the more you advance and in this way you can get to the Crystal league faster .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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