What is the best time and day to make your posts on Instagram?

Instagram posts can have a greater impact
 depending on the time they are published, but you may not know this.

Therefore, in this article we will teach you what is the best time to post on Instagram . This way, you will be able to have a greater reach among your followers.


  • Days and times of publication
  • How to know the best time to post
  • Tips for publications

Days and times of publication

According to different analyses since 2019, these are an average of the best times for posts on Instagram :

  • Monday: 11 am and 10 pm
  • Tuesday: 9 am and 7 pm
  • Wednesday: 10pm to 4pm
  • Thursday: 10 am and 12 pm
  • Friday: 9 am to 1 pm
  • Saturday: 10 am, 7 pm and 8 pm
  • Sunday: 8 am to 3 pm

However, this can vary by country. Generally, the best times to post are between 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. , and between 9:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. On the other hand, the best days to post are limited to Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays .

How to know the best time to post

Instagram has an analytics and statistics tool that allows you to study the best time to post. However, to access “ Instagram Insights ”, you must have created a business profile.

Alternatively, you can also use other social media management platforms likeGoogle Analytics ,Metricool ,Iconosquare ,Squarelovin , etc. These portals will carry out an in-depth study of your behavior on the social network to identify the points of greatest interaction and connection.

Tips for publications

Keep in mind that your posting schedule will vary depending on your target audience and your audience’s behavior. Therefore, it is advisable to follow these tips:

  • Set multiple dates and times: Run multiple experiments to analyze and study your audience’s behavior. By running different “ trial and error ” tests , you will be able to identify your highest point of interaction.
  • Analyze your audience: consider whether your audience is men, women, professionals, students, etc. Schedules may vary slightly due to this detail.
  • Use tools with statistics: analysis platforms will allow you to identify the highest points of interaction or connection to Instagram.
  • Keep the time zone in mind: for example, if you post an image, video, reel, or story at 9:00pm in Mexico, it won’t be the same time in Argentina.
  • Pay attention to interactions: according to the different publication times you propose, identify at what time you receive the most comments or likes.
  • Make creative proposals: “Likes” and comments are also subject to the quality of the post. If your post, video, reel or story is attractive and entertaining, you will have greater acceptance .

In conclusion, the best posting time on Instagram will depend on the type of content and audience you want to target. However, there are some standard hours you can try to get a starting point.