What is misogyny and how it occurs

Today we talk about misogyny . It is about hatred of women. Freud identified two different types of aversion against women, at the base there was an unresolved personal problem. Misogyny can arise in those who have a homosexual conflict, or in those who have a strong fear of the “fair sex”.

Misogyny can affect both men and women, but the first are males. In reality, a misogynist can be partially recognized, because when he speaks he demonstrates that he has a very “borderline” vision of what the roles of men and women are. When she tries somehow to get out of the idea she has made, she is immediately blocked and attacked, “brought back to her place”.

Sigmund Freud found the reason for this problem and traced it precisely to the inability to recognize his own homosexuality. The person is unable to accept his own sexuality but at the same time fails to suppress it completely, which leads to hatred in the woman, because she would like to dress in her clothes.

Sometimes, however, an ego defense mechanism takes over. The man tries to protect himself from an unacceptable instinct, thus accentuates an opposite behavior and here is that misogyny, therefore hatred, becomes love towards the woman.

Many people think that the woman suffers the behavior of the misogynist, only when she is in the family or it is the partner. In fact, one of the places where you are most likely to be victims is the workplace. An environment where basically different discriminatory tendencies are already present is true, but there may be colleagues who mask misogyny in a “simple” competitive attitude.

The best thing to do is simply avoid misogynist. In this way problems of stress, anxiety, depression are avoided. Misogyny can actually be resolved, but only when good psychotherapy is done.

Misogyny: a phenomenon to be discovered

Perhaps it is a mix of these elements that however result in a hatred of women .

According to Freud, there are 2 forms of aversion to women depending on the unresolved problem that generated them:

  1. misogyny is the hatredthat arises from an unsolved homosexual conflict and that can affect both men and women;
  2. gynophobia, on the other hand, is the fear of women resulting from intense unresolved castration anxiety.


Who is the misogynist?

We have said that misogyny affects both sexes although it is more identified as a male disorder .

The misogynist tends to have a very extreme view of roles and every slightest hint of women to get out of this pattern is blocked or ferociously attacked. These are not issues related to a person’s intelligence or only to his education, but it has roots that sink into the unconscious or.

According to Sigmund Freud is the ‘ homosexuality the key of the phenomenon : the inability to accept one’s libido and to hide themselves triggers hatred in men who would be in women’s clothes, and the homosexuals who, not being able to openly admit their desire, they end up impersonating the fox of “La volpe e l’uva”.

The defense mechanism to dilute misogyny could be the reactive formation , one of the most archaic defenses of the ego: the individual defends himself from his own unacceptable impulses by accentuating an opposite emotional behavior or reaction: hatred turns into love.

Misogyny at work

One of the areas in which misogyny could proliferate, even hiding under the guise of a “healthy” competitive attitude is work .

In the workplace it is already possible that there are discriminatory tendencies that foment this type of behavior.

But how to recognize and fight them to prevent negative consequences such as depression, burnout or excessive levels of stress or anxiety from emerging in affected women ?

The problem of the misogynist is the anger that is unleashed when the woman does not “stay in her place”: the problem is not the specific individual, but the failure to respect a hierarchy; once the misogynist has been identified, it would be good to avoid him at work .

As with other phenomena, such as bullying , it would be advisable to document inappropriate behaviors and contact the employer or a lawyer to assert one’s rights.

Misogyny can only be resolved with psychotherapy work .

Misogyny and seduction

The misogynist is the one who hates women, but this does not exclude that he is also a skilled seducer. Let’s delve into the causes of this condition and see how sometimes the psyche works in a strange way, approaching the source of a non-desire.

The term misogyny has a Greek root and literally means: hatred of women . The misogynist is mostly a man, but representatives of the fair sex cannot be excluded. It is not necessarily linked to machismo , which is referred to to indicate a socially shared attitude, but it is an individual disposition and an emotional nature .


How do you recognize the misogynist?

Misogyny, as mentioned, is an emotional condition. Affected people feel intense hatred of women. The misogynist does not move away from his object of interest, but is often attracted to it : it cannot be excluded that he has an emotional life, even if superficial. Generally it is the one who speaks with contempt of women and who emphasizes the difference between them and his group of belonging, discrediting all the typically feminine virtues. This vision is quickly associated with a rigid and stereotyped conception of genders: the strong and erudite man, the weak and foolish woman.

There are therefore various manifestations of misogyny, of varying “severity”. It starts from the acceptance and dissemination of stereotypes that harm women , to the belief that the entire female gender is useless and ends with the absolute certainty of having to dominate the fair sex, by hook or by crook.

Seductive misogynists

The seduction is one of the surprise components of misogyny. Many speak of revenge misogyny: that is, approaching a woman, conquering her and making her suffer as revenge against a past love that ended badly. Intentions are not always so “delicate”. The misogynist approaches the woman and tries to seduce her precisely to impose her superiority. Seducing becomes synonymous with conquest, with possession of a person who must bend to the will and charm of a man.

It can happen, regardless of the beliefs of this special seducer, that a woman refuses courtship. This situation can be potentially dangerous because it triggers a strong sense of revenge against a person who is not considered worthy of being able to refuse.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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