What is mathematical calculation?

Computer science is a branch of mathematics that uses logical reasoning to solve problems and create solutions that can be executed as computer programs. Computer scientists often focus not only on solving a problem, but on how to solve it in the most efficient and logical way possible. Logic puzzles, riddles, and games abound in the computer world.

These activities help develop critical thinking skills while challenging you to think deductively, that is, from a given set of premises to logical conclusions. Whether you’re new to the field or looking for ways to further challenge your mind, these activities will help you hone your deductive reasoning skills.

Index of contents

  • What is mathematical calculation?
  • What is computer science?
    • Arithmetic
    • Logic
    • Algebra
  • Practical example
  • Conclusion about mathematical calculation

What is mathematical calculation?

Mathematical computation is the process of solving problems involving numbers. To fully understand a concept, it is essential to know the rules and how to apply them. And this is essential in computing, since programs are nothing more than mathematical algorithms that perform different operations, just like those that set AI and other elementary functions of current computers. It’s all math!

What is computer science?

computer scienceIt is the field that deals with the study and design of computer systems. This includes software, hardware, and their working together. It also involves the study of different types of computer languages ​​and how they work. Computer scientists design computer systems to solve various problems. They also create new computer technologies. Computer scientists can work in a wide range of sectors. They often use their mathematical knowledge to solve problems in business, health, education, and other areas. Computer scientists are also interested in how computers process information. They study the type of information that can be processed in computers and how computers can process this information more quickly. Computer scientists also study how humans interact with computers. An important part of computer science is software engineering. It is the process of designing and developing computer programs and systems.

Furthermore, in computing there are three important branches of mathematics :


Arithmetic is a form of mathematical calculation involving numbers. Arithmetic is often taught as an introductory subject in school, but it is useful in a wide variety of real-world situations. Arithmetic is commonly used in everyday life, for example when deciding how much money to put in a savings account. In computer science, arithmetic is the basis for many algorithms, which are the process used to solve problems. Many computer algorithms are based on properties of numbers, such as the relationship between addition, subtraction, and multiplication.


Logic is the study of reasoning It is used to create arguments and to evaluate whether those arguments are valid and sound. A person who studies logic is called a logician. Logicians create theories and concepts about reasoning, including what constitutes a valid argument and what makes an argument invalid. A common use of logic is critical thinking. Critical thinking is the process of analyzing and evaluating information and arguments to make decisions and solve problems. There are many different types of logic, such as symbolic logic, fuzzy logic, and modal logic.


Algebra is one of the branches of mathematics. It is used to solve problems involving the manipulation of numbers, letters, and variables. Algebra uses a variety of symbols and rules to solve problems. For example, one of the first algebra problems usually taught in school is to find the total number of apples, given the number of apples and the number of oranges. Algebra is commonly used in computer science, especially in the field of computer programming. For example, when writing a computer program to solve an equation, a programmer can use algebra to calculate a suitable solution.

Practical example

Imagine that you want to run a simple program , a Hello World , on your computer . Well, designing this program , even if it is simple, is nothing more than designing a simple algorithm and then expressing it with a high-level language such as C:

#include <stdio.h> //Include the stdio.h header with the elementary functions

int main() {

printf(“Hello, World!”); //This function is used to display the message Hello, World!

return 0;


If we pass this C programming language to x86 assembler , then we have the following:

global _start


section .text



mov rax, 1 ; write() system call number

move rdi, 1 ; STDOUT_FILENO,

mov rsi, msg ; Mensaje “Hello, world!\n”,

mov rdx, msglen ; message size

syscall ; realiza la syscall


mov rax, 60 ; exit() system call number

mov rdi, 0 ; EXIT_SUCCESS

syscall ; llama la syscall


section .rodata

msg: db “Hello, world!”, 10

msglen: equ $ – msg

As can be seen, the C language has been translated into an assembler with a series of instructions from the x86 ISA repertoire, such as MOV that moves data . Just by moving bit registers, this simple program can be done.

Let’s see another case, this time of a simple C program that is capable of adding two numbers :


int main() {


int num1, num2, sum;


printf(“Enter two integers: “);

scanf(“%d %d”, &num1, &num2);


// calculate the sum

sum = num1 + num2;


printf(“%d + %d = %d”, num1, num2, sum);

return 0;


In this case, the corresponding assembler would be the following:


.string “Enter two integers: ”


.string “%d %d”


.string “%d + %d = %d”


push rbp

mov rbp, rsp

sub rsp, 16

mov edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC0

mov eax, 0

call printf

lea rdx, [rbp-12]

lea rax, [rbp-8]

mov rsi, rax

mov edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC1

mov eax, 0

call __isoc99_scanf

mov edx, DWORD PTR [rbp-8]

mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-12]

add eax, edx

mov DWORD PTR [rbp-4], eax

mov edx, DWORD PTR [rbp-12]

mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-8]

mov ecx, DWORD PTR [rbp-4]

mov front, eax

mov edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC2

mov eax, 0

call printf

mov eax, 0



As you can see in this case, in addition to making system calls and moving data, as in the previous case, it also performs other operations such as subtraction and addition (SUB, ADD). As you can see, any program can be carried out using mathematical calculations in the CPU .

When these codes arrive in binary format to the CPU , it interprets them and sends the necessary calculations to the ALU or FPU. This is how a computer works.

Conclusion about mathematical calculation

Mathematics is not just the study of numbers and calculations. It is also the study of the human mind and reasoning, of computing, and of many other disciplines. The human mind is a computer that follows the same logical rules as computers. Mathematical concepts such as reasoning, problem solving, and critical thinking are important components in computer science. And that is exactly what is reproduced in a computer artificially…

Now you know a little better what mathematical calculation is and why it is so important in computer science, as you have surely heard comment on more than one occasion.