What Is Ideology And Why It Is Important In Language

What is ideology, it is the belief that influences our behavior, attitudes and views about the world. This is what we feel, understand and look everything. These beliefs are embedded to us that mostly we don’t realize they are there. Religion is one of the strong examples of ideology where everyone tries to put his image and ideas to others. It is helping countries to see insights that give meaning and purpose in life of the state. Moreover, it is also useful as to find an identity and achieve. Achieve the objectives of the country.

The main communication tool is language. Language, power And ideology are intimately connected with one another, because when people sit in a throne of power, language plays a vital role in controlling their power. Political process always uses communication as a tool to achieve political goals. So we must focus on every ideology that is being surrounded around us.

What Is Ideology And Why It Is Important In Language

Different Definitions of Ideology:

“What is the actual definition of ideology? There are many definitions of the experts where we can conclude about the notion of the true ideology”.

“This is simply is a set of ideas, the basic ideas, beliefs and beliefs that are systematic with the direction and goals to be achieved in the national life of a nation”.

“By literally, it is the science of ideas, knowledge of ideas, and science of ideas or teachings about basic notions”.

It can be argued that ideology is the set of dominant ideas by dominant society that is why sometime you never know which ideology is being controlled you.

“It is a beliefs and ideas adhered by a group, a social class, a nation or a particular race. It is related to many areas of human life”.

In its development, ideology is defined as follows.

What Is Ideology And What Types It Cover In Today’s World.

  • According to Descartes, ideology is the core of all human minds.
  • According to Machiavelli, the ideology is a power protection system which is owned by the ruler.
  • According to Thomas Hobbes, ideology is a whole way of protecting the power of government in order to survive and organize people.
  • According to Francis Bacon, ideology is an alloy or composite fundamental thinking of a concept
  • According to Karl Marx, ideology is a tool to achieve equality and shared prosperity in society.
  • According to Napoleon, ideology is overall political thought from its enemies.

What Is Ideology And Why It Is Important In Language

Based on these descriptions, ideology can be summed up as follows.

  • The value of determining the whole of human life
  • The idea of ​​a well-regulated about man and his life
  • The collective agreement that makes the value of the basic people in a country
  • Generating public awareness of independence against invaders
  • The combination of a view of life which are the values ​​of a nation and the basis of a country that has values ​​that guide the philosophy of life of a nation.

The social functions of ideology:

Social reality is reflected in the public’s ideas and theories. The social and practical aspect reveals the following social functions:


 This is obvious in nature. The particular model offers individual interpretation of the world, society and their place in it.


 Allowing the individual to choose the appropriate interests of its social values ​​and norms to guide them in their daily lives;

  Target on goals:

 Ideology supports individuals to set strategic and tactical goals, and propose a program to achieve them.


It gives a model of society for a better future. It should be pursued, and justifying its ability.


 It contributes common goal, common problems and the need for common action to the social group.


 Gives interaction with other ideologies or a fight, in the form of co-existence;


  It defines the principles of social organization and management.

10 proven things you must about ideology:

 The spiritual life of society is determined by the ideology not by science. It provides the answers to many questions, but the answers are not subject to scientific verification (proof). Therefore, ideology is always room for possible mistakes, exaggeration, and myth.

Another principal feature is that it does not arise magically or by some experience. It has consistent historical background and purposefully involve special layer of people. However, it really expresses the interests and mindset of classes, and represents their political parties and movements.

It also contains elements of scientific knowledge and based on real social facts, but it takes the facts as they see the social group whose interests it expresses.

Classification of ideologies Conclude The True Nature of What Is Ideology


 This is an ideology, which is based on the principle of “following the traditions and customs in the society”. Conservatives believe that any change is a social evil and mixture o troubles and calamities. Conservative ideology is based on the concept of the purity of the past and focuses on values ​​that have been tested for centuries; therefore they regret any innovation, even those that carry some positive elements.

What Is Ideology And Why It Is Important In Language


This claims the priority of individual freedom in relation to the existing society with its traditions. Freedom of the individual is the basic slogan. Individual freedom is limited only by the free will of other individuals. Liberalism requires the innovation and openness to everything. It is very close on the ideas of humanism, democracy and nationalism.

Economic liberalism concept is based on the principle of starting a equal opportunities for all individuals. Economic principles of liberalism are the essence of the free market. If conservatism focuses on state, the liberal ideology reduces the role of the state to the position of the servant of its citizens, and protects their rights. Liberalism preaches transparency, openness of society, accountability of executive power to the people as a equal citizenship.

What Is Ideology And Why It Is Important In Language


This concept is based on the superiority and supremacy of nation. The essence of the nationalist ideology is the combination of the national qualities and values. Nationalism can be seen as a response to the threat of an ethnic community other ethnic influences.

What Is Ideology And Why It Is Important In Language


The ideology of humanism has a long history. It recognizes the supreme value of the human personality, its freedom, happiness, unlimited development and expression of her creative abilities. Humanism values ​​are considered by different experts.  Modern ideology of humanism is a qualitatively new level of development of humanistic ideas.

The main content of the ideology of humanism consists of the following provisions:

What Is Ideology And Why It Is Important In Language

  • people regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, class origin, sex, age, attitudes and beliefs is the highest value, and has a number of valuable rights, including the right to the free development of their creativity and spirituality;
  • a number of current problems of a globalization threatens the whole mankind. There is  necessary to unite a wide variety of social forces;
  • it is necessary to promote ideological differences, to overcome the national and cultural boundaries;
  • Globalization and Westernization of the economy and culture lead to the spread of monopoly.
  • Human should follow spiritual life and there is need a free creative development of each individual.
  • The concept of sovereignty assumes independence of the state from the outside world, self-determination in choosing the path of development.

Things That Affect Ideology

  • Economics as its base
  • The ruling class
  • repressive rule
  • Something that is opposite to the real truth.


Power and language cannot be separated. We can see who is in power and who are not in power can be seen from the use of language. In view of the critical discourse analysis hidden ideology is seen. Ideology behind the text will always produces many hidden realities. Ideology always provides answers about the identity of the group. The analysis of context also reveals how the ideologies of groups play a role in shaping the discourse.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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