What is CDN; how can it help improve website loading?

At the present time it is important that if you have a website, it is positioned in the Google browser for search. But it is very true that it has become very difficult to achieve it because there are other websites that are in competition. To improve the loading of the Web sites it is essential to have a CDN , for that reason this article will help you understand what a CDN is.

What is a CDN?

A Content Delivery Network or CDN is a series of web servers located in different geographical locations that include copies of content hosted on other servers. What it does is cache said information that is not essential to update regularly, such as JavaScript, videos, images, PDF, CSS.

In short, the content that will not be innovated is that static information and being able to deliver it to the user directly and quickly. So what you want is to reduce the distance between the server that sends the information and the guest that downloads the files.

Let’s take an example, imagine that you have a website where millions of users from all over the world visit every day, with a server in Portugal. But you want the response to the search made to the web from Latin America to be faster and in less time .

Then you will need to use a CDN in a Latin American country, so that you can achieve a faster response. In this way, users who are in that geographical area will be able to access the website that belongs to them quickly and without any setback .

Role of a CDN

Thanks to the internet, a large amount of computer content can be accessed in just one click on our computers or mobile devices. And in view of the developments that are already seen in technology today, great efforts have been made to make information available to many.

Among these advances is the one that the user can access more quickly to the web that he is visiting from anywhere. As we mentioned in the previous section, a CDN is a series of servers located in different parts of the world . In this way, when someone accesses the web they are looking for, they will locate the nearest server, helping to quickly enter the page.

Two ways how a CDN works

Next, we show you three ways of how a CDN works , these three situations that we will exemplify are totally a reliable guide.

  • The client enters from anywhere on earth.

Ask for a request to the DNS servers , that is, to the server that you have an affiliate, if the page you are requesting has a CDN, it redirects the request to the PoP CDN closest to the user.

On the other hand, we want to highlight that the term PoP CDN is the name applied to the servers that cache the information within a CDN. They help the user who visits a specific web page to locate the fastest connection, either far or near.

  • Information between CDN and hosting servers.

After you make the request to the CDN, you may find yourself in 3 situations, here we explain it in a detailed and simple way.

  1. The required information is not available in the respective PoP cache to the CDN, mostly in this case, the requested content will be retrieved from the hosting and will be diverted from the PoP to the user.
  2. The required files are available in the PoP cache , which means that the content will be forwarded without the need to use the servers where they are hosted, thus releasing part of the load.
  3. The files or websites that the client requires are dynamic or are excluded by the configured cache rules, thus the CDN redirects the request to the server, sending the content to the user.

In this way a CDN works and works, this allows your own website to work faster and easier for users. We hope this article will be of much help to you and you can position your website with the most visits on Google.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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