The ASTM standards index is regulated, directed, and was created in February 1898, by a group led by Charles Dudley.
Concerned about the deterioration of the train rails, they considered that there should be certain safety and quality parameters in the materials used.
Over the years, the list of ASTM standards has been updated , in the same way, the name has changed several times to the current one.
The ASTM or American Society for Testing and Materials, also called ASTM International, translates into Spanish as the American Society for Testing and Materials.
One set of standards for ASTM materials has been updated, as others have been phased out or are considered obsolete.
Knowing the ASTM nomenclature is very important. They are identified with a letter and number that go in sequence, and in some cases, after a hyphen, the last two numbers of the year the standard was approved are included.
What is ASTM International and what is it for?
The ASTM currently has more than 12 thousand agreements that must be applied around the world. These agreements and standards allow and ensure a better production of materials that are to be used later in multiple companies.
From ASTM standards for steels, to plastics used in toys, everything has its own standard with requirements. For example, ASTM F963: “Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Safety of Toys”
Just as there are OSHA standards for the use of electricity in the workplace, so there are for a large number of materials.
During the CoVid-19 crisis, the ASTM has made public and free a list with the necessary standards for PPE , something like information and prevention signs at work.
After reviewing this MiracomoSeHace article, worry no more! It will not be necessary to search for a list of astm standards in PDF , here you will find everything you need.
ASTM standards A to C
Just as OSHA has occupational safety standards (like ISO 18001) , ASTM has its own nomenclature and you can find them here for free.
The A implies iron and steel materials , while the B non-ferrous metallic materials. For its part, C is related to ceramic, concrete and masonry materials.
For example, you can find A34 – 06 that includes practice for sampling and acquisition tests of magnetic materials. As well as A367-11 (2017) which indicates the cast iron cold test methods.
Regarding the letter B , you may be interested in standard B9-76 (2017) e1 which is the specification for bronze trolley cables, or B193-20 the test method for resistivity of electrical conductive materials.
For its part, in letter C the C22-00 (2015) is useful, which indicates the specifications for plaster. Instead, you also find standards such as C76-20 that includes the specifications for reinforced concrete sewers, storm drains and sewer pipes.
ASTM standards E to G
Now, we find the letters E that relate to various materials , with the F that includes materials for specific applications and the G that includes corrosion, deterioration and degradation of materials.
For example, the E84-20 standard which includes the test method for the surface burning characteristics of building materials, or instead, the E105-16 which is the practice for probability sampling of materials.
Continuing in alphabetical order, there are standards by F , including specification F44-16 for metalized ceramic surfaces.
For its part, in the letter G , there are very useful standards and tests, such as G69-20, which is the test method to measure the corrosion potential of aluminum alloys.
Finally, we remind you of the importance of all these types of standards that we mentioned and the huge list included in the ASTM website, so you know, if you want to plan a collection of toys for children , check if they comply with these standards!