What is Alopurinol used for?

hyperuricemia is a clinical condition characterized by the excessive concentration of uric acid in the plasma, which may result in the long run the development of more serious diseases such as gout and renal calculi. The increase in uric acid production is related to the increase in the activity of the enzyme xanthine oxidase, capable of mediating the transformation of two substances – xanthine and hypoxanthine – into uric acid, thus causing an excess organic of this substance. Alopurinol binds xanthine oxidase by inhibiting its action and significantly reducing blood uric acid concentrations. It therefore functions as an inhibitor of the enzyme xanthine oxidase.

What is Alopurinol used for?

It is used for the treatment of hyperuricemia, gout and uratic lithiasis.

How is Alopurinol taken?

In the form of tablets or granules for oral suspension.

Side effects of Alopurinol

Allopurinol treatment can generate various side effects also based on the patient’s personal sensitivity, general conditions, dosage and duration of therapy. The most easily found side effects:

  • gastrointestinal complaints: nausea , vomiting, abdominal pain;
  • neurological and systemic disorders: malaise, drowsiness, changes in the visus and taste;
  • liver disorders: hepatotoxicity;
  • cardiovascular disorders: hypertension;
  • nervous system disorders: asthenia, paraesthesia, neuropathies;
  • hematological disorders;
  • hypersensitivity reactions with skin rash , fever, vasculitis .

Contraindications and warnings of Alopurinol

Maximum care is recommended when administering the drug to nephropathic and hepatopathic patients.
Given the lack of scientific data on the safety profile of the drug with regard to the health of the unborn child and infant, its intake is contraindicated both during the pregnancy and during breastfeeding.
Taking Allopurinol may reduce your ability to use machines and drive vehicles.

by Abdullah Sam
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