What Is A Transtibial Leg Prosthesis?

The transtibial leg prosthesis is an externally applied medical device whose purpose is to provide the necessary support so that the user with a below-knee amputation can walk and perform their activities again.

This type of prosthesis replaces only the lower part: tibia, fibula and foot, since the knee is preserved.

The objective of the leg prosthesis is to provide stability, balance and functionality to allow the ideal gait so that the person resumes their activities of daily living, and above all the person feels good about having aesthetics and general health.

How is the transtibial leg prosthesis made ?

The leg prosthesis is made up of the following elements:

  • Socket:  It is the main component with which the residual limb is connected to the rest of the prosthesis . The materials with which it is made can be flexible plastic, carbon fiber, asbestos and resin.
  • Anchorage systems:  Anchorage systems have the characteristic of facilitating the placement of the prosthesis and also, so that the patient can remove the prosthesis . Examples of anchoring systems are: Sleeve, pin/shuttle, strap, suction system.
  • Interface or suspension system: These materials are the ones that will cover the stump to reduce friction and shearing that occur when walking with a prosthesis , these can be from a sock, a mesh to a coating with more technology such as a liner, the specific features depend on your needs.
  • Prosthetic foot: It has the objective of providing a stable surface for walking and cushioning. Some prosthetic feet are usually designed to replicate the anatomical joint and also have movement as similar to a real one. The first characteristic, in order to determine the type of foot that best fits, is based on the physical activity of each individual.
  • Cosmetic cover : This component can become optional, being the final piece of the transtibial prosthesis that covers the function of providing aesthetics to the prosthesis , it can be made of foam or plastic.

How is rehabilitation with a transtibial prosthesis ?

The first step to take into account when the prosthetic fitting and rehabilitation process is going to be carried out , since all people have different needs, for this reason it is important to go to a specialist in orthotics and prosthetics so that he can identify the characteristics and needs of the person who will wear the prosthesis.

At Mediprax prosthetics clinic , when we contact the patient who is interested, the main details we need to know are:

  • Age
  • Amputation level and side
  • date of amputation
  • Reason for amputation
  • Whether or not you have chronic diseases.
  • If you have started with compression bandaging and physical therapy

Subsequently, the prosthesis specialist will explain what type of components the prosthesis should have for the patient and based on that, provide its value.

When the patient starts using a transtibial leg prosthesis, the rehabilitation process in our clinic takes approximately 6-8 weeks, it all depends on perseverance, patience and dedication to practice the exercises learned during rehabilitation with the physiotherapist.


by Abdullah Sam
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