What inquiries or questions can I ask Alexa on Amazon Echo?

Discover the endless possibilities of interacting with Alexa on Amazon Echo by asking a wide range of questions. Explore the various topics and find out how Alexa can assist you in your daily life.

What inquiries or questions can I ask Alexa on Amazon Echo?

You can ask Alexa, the virtual assistant on Amazon Echo, a wide range of questions and make various inquiries. Here are some examples:

  1. General Knowledge Questions: Ask about facts, trivia, or historical events.
    • Example: “Alexa, who was the first person to walk on the moon?”
  2. Weather Updates: Get current weather information or forecasts.
    • Example: “Alexa, what’s the weather like today?”
  3. News Briefings: Request the latest news.
    • Example: “Alexa, what’s in the news today?”
  4. Music Playback: Play music, radio stations, or podcasts.
    • Example: “Alexa, play some jazz music.”
  5. Timers and Alarms: Set timers or alarms for various activities.
    • Example: “Alexa, set a timer for 30 minutes.”
  6. Calendar and Reminders: Manage your schedule and to-do list.
    • Example: “Alexa, remind me to call John at 3 PM.”
  7. Smart Home Control: Control compatible smart home devices.
    • Example: “Alexa, turn off the living room lights.”
  8. Cooking Assistance: Get recipes or cooking tips.
    • Example: “Alexa, how do I make spaghetti carbonara?”
  9. Shopping: Add items to your shopping list or order products from Amazon.
    • Example: “Alexa, add milk to my shopping list.”
  10. Traffic and Commute Information: Get updates on traffic conditions.
    • Example: “Alexa, what’s the traffic like to downtown?”
  11. Sports Scores and Updates: Ask about recent sports scores or upcoming games.
  • Example: “Alexa, what was the score of the Lakers game?”
  1. Entertainment Recommendations: Get movie, TV show, or book recommendations.
  • Example: “Alexa, suggest a good sci-fi movie.”
  1. Math and Conversions: Perform calculations or unit conversions.
  • Example: “Alexa, how many ounces are in a pound?”
  1. Language Translation: Translate words or phrases into different languages.
  • Example: “Alexa, how do you say ‘thank you’ in French?”
  1. Jokes and Entertainment: Ask for jokes, riddles, or fun facts.
  • Example: “Alexa, tell me a joke.”

Remember, the capabilities of Alexa are continually expanding, and there might be region-specific features available as well.

Adding calendars, some useful alarms and reminders

Alexa is also a special system, which helps you manage time and appointments that you have pending in the day. For this, you can also place some alarms, reminders and also timers, which will be useful anywhere, it even allows you to find your phone in case you have lost it .

Other of the most popular questions and with which you can manage your time in a much more positive way, are the following:

  • Alexa, wake me up at 7 am
  • Turn off-cancel all my alarms for the day
  • Alexa, set Queen’s “We Will Rock You” as an alarm clock at 8am
  • Remind me of the alarms I have
  • what time is it?
  • What are the dates of the holidays this year?
  • Add dinner with Paco to my calendar. May 3 at 2 pm
  • How to make purchases thanks to Amazon

If, in addition to having one of these devices, you are also a member of the Amazon Prime program , your Echo device may help you with the shopping list for your home. For this, you only have to add those things you need, and in this way Alexa will show you all those options that are within Amazon.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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