What happens to your body when you feel angry?

You don’t have to run from that feeling … Being overcome by  anger  is normal and positive. It is necessary for our survival, it makes us indignant and look for alternatives. But of course, this feeling is only healthy when it is under our control.

Anger triggers the fight and flight circuit, which connects the central and peripheral nervous systems with the endocrine system. Thus, we are more attentive, with dilated pupils. There is release of hormones that increase heart rate and respiratory rate. The blood flow goes to the muscles, making them tense, as if ready to run or attack.

The stress hormone

The  cortisol , called the stress hormone is released in abundance and decreases serotonin, which is the messenger neurotransmitter welfare. However, cortisol acts in an area of ​​the brain that would aid judgment and common sense. In other words, we are less able to modulate emotion.

Does being angry make us sick?

It is true that this excess feeling can make us feel bad. Vasodilation, increased blood supply to the head, increased pressure are reflections of anger. The problem is that if this situation occurs for a long time, in a chronic way, the persistence of these signs can cause hypertension and diabetes. Trying to  suppress anger can also lead to problems : depression and anxiety.

What to do?

Take a deep breath! Give the brain enough time for this emotion to be better assessed by the frontal lobe, help normalize heart and respiratory rate, and let the hypothalamus regulate the emotion again.

And none of that maxim that it is best to vent, as reaffirming this feeling slows down the process of rationalization. It is best to talk about it and learn to control emotion.

How to control it?

There are manipulations that help control cortisol and provide relaxation and well-being. Relora is a natural anxiolytic, effective in reducing stress and anxiety and capable of increasing feelings of well-being; and pinetonine is a nasal spray, derived from essential oils, indicated to promote well-being, reduce symptoms of stress, such as agitation, anxiety, irritability and insomnia. You can find both in the best handling pharmacies.


by Abdullah Sam
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