What Happens To The Body With Dengue?

Although the year 2020 was much more about the corona virus (COVID 19) and the struggle to control its contagion and to produce a vaccine as soon as possible, dengue is not an issue that should be left aside, it it continues here and even made many victims even in 2020, although it is not a disease with as many victims as the corona virus, it is a disease that has been present here in Brazil for many years, especially in the months of summer.

Dengue is a very serious disease and should not be neglected, especially since the care to keep the mosquito away is as simple as avoiding standing water in your yard and in your home. There are currently 4 types of dengue (4 serotypes of the disease), 1 same person can have all 4 types, but after she has one of them she becomes immune to the type she contracted, however, one should be aware, as this it is not a reason to celebrate, as a dengue reinfection can make the disease much more severe and intense a second time.

Dengue has some risk factors, factors that can worsen your condition, they are diabetes, high blood pressure and any type of chronic disease. Another detail is that all ages can be infected and present the symptoms of the disease equally, with one exception, older people are more likely to develop the severe condition of the disease, which would be hemorrhagic dengue.

How does Dengue act on people’s bodies and bodies?

There are people who are infected with dengue and who do not develop symptoms, but there are also people who develop very strong symptoms, it will depend on the body of each person and also as mentioned above, it will depend on other diseases or risk factors that the person may have it. Of course, immunity in the body can make a difference, helping the body to react faster and stronger against the disease, but immunity in this case is not able to prevent transmission, since dengue is spread by the bite of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito.

When the mosquito bites a person, they may or may not have severe symptoms, but the person bitten does not transmit dengue to others. Although some people suffer with more or less intensity of the disease, the symptoms are usually well standardized, especially for the “milder” cases of dengue. After the mosquito bites someone, it spreads in the body through the bloodstream and then a phase of replication of the virus begins within the human body, with viral spread occurring, replication of the dengue virus occurs mainly in the spleen, lymphatic tissues and in the liver, then it returns in far greater numbers to the bloodstream. The symptoms that arise from then on are:

Dengue in the Body

  • The high fever that usually exceeds 38.5 degrees Celsius, can generate chills and in more severe cases even convulsions.
  • Dengue can cause very intense and widespread muscle pain.
  • Another type of pain that is also caused by dengue is pain behind the eyes and pain when moving the eyes.
  • Headache is also a very common symptom for dengue fever.
  • Malaise and lack of disposition are also very present in most patients.
  • The person with dengue also loses much of his appetite and willingness to eat.
  • Another symptom that usually appears, although less frequently, is the red spots scattered throughout the body.

The first symptom, most of the time, is the sudden onset of high fever, followed by the other symptoms. Dengue in its most ‘traditional’ and less severe form rarely leaves sequelae on people’s bodies or internal organs, but in the most severe cases this is not the case, as the organism, organs and general functioning can be affected, sometimes only during the period of the disease (which is usually 2 to 10 days), sometimes the consequences may remain after the infection ends.

The virus that causes dengue succeeds in our organism, because it causes white blood cells, which are famous for defending our organism, for bringing protection to the human body internally, to decrease, as well as platelets, which has the function of good blood clotting. The dengue virus targets platelet production because it attacks people’s bone marrow. This is what happens in all cases at an early stage, but it is clear that when the disease becomes its most severe version the body is hit in a more intense way.

Serious Cases Of Dengue X Human Body

When the most severe cases of dengue occur, the virus can reach the heart, the nervous system of the person and also the liver, which can cause major complications. In general, dengue can make the blood “thinner”, because the blood vessels can become more porous, with the consequence of loss of water and also of protein, which can cause serious body dehydration. The most severe dengue can also be accompanied by bleeding, which can be caused by the dengue reaching other organs. When it reaches the liver, dengue can leave hepatitis as a consequence, when it reaches the pleura, it can severely affect the heart and lung, among other organs and consequences.

Tips to Prevent Dengue

As for the dengue mosquito, it is better to be prevented than having to remedy the situation later, so we can indicate that in places where there is a large number of dengue case records, you walk with clothes that cover your legs, especially during the day , because many people do not know, but the mosquito that transmits the disease is much more active during the day, than at night, in addition, the use of a good repellent is essential. Dengue does not yet have free medicine or vaccine, so it is best to prevent it, which always includes keeping an eye on it so that it does not accumulate standing water in the corners.

Note: The only dengue vaccine that is approved by ANVISA, is only distributed through private networks, there are 3 doses administered during the period of 1 year. It can only be applied to those who have had the disease at least once. Source: Ministry of Health


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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