What does the green dot mean on Instagram?

The Instagram platform has many features with which it offers one of the best services. It is a very dynamic website, where everything can be found quickly. In addition, it facilitates interaction between people, as it alerts them when someone connects or not.

In that sense, Instagram is full of colors in stories and in people’s photos. Keep reading the article and you will be able to know what those colors mean and if you want, how to deactivate them.

Index( )

  1. What does the green dot on Instagram mean?
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Instagram green dot?
  3. How to disable the green dot?
  4. How to activate this option again?

What does the green dot on Instagram mean?

If you use Instagram frequently, you may have noticed something different in the messages or chat section of your account. Well, not long ago the company added a green dot to the application in the corner of the profile photos of other users.

It is a feature that was adapted from Facebook, without complications. Well, both companies belong to the same owner and it is valid to share the functions between them. Thus, said green dot became active with one of the constant updates that make the application.

The purpose of that small circumference is to help users connect with their friends through chat. Since, it produces knowing that that individual is online , that is, that he is connected at the moment. So if you send a message, they may respond quickly.

There are two places where it is feasible to meet the green dot. The first of them, as mentioned in the previous sections, is located in the message inbox. The people with whom you chatted on previous occasions will appear there . You should look at the photo and check if you can see the dot.

However, it is limited to the people with whom you had communication. If you want to see all the friends you see online, you have to go to the upper section of the chat. Where in a horizontal bar the connected followers are shown . For its part, the second site is on the wall, because if the user shared something and follows on Instagram. It will then have the color that was specified in your image.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Instagram green dot?

The great advantage of this tool is that it is possible to know who broke into your account. Therefore, you will be sure that he will see your message and that he could reply to you as soon as possible.

It is an alternative when you need to write to someone urgently. So, if you need to inquire about his presence or not on the networks or see if he is online , it becomes much easier for you. On the other hand, it helps those who want to flirt, because they will know the exact time they can start conversations with potential partners.

However, there are also certain disadvantages of having the function active. We are talking about account privacy. By having that indication in the photo, almost anyone will know that you are enjoying posts, Reels or stories. So, it’s plausible that he starts texting , interrupting your entertainment.

Likewise, it can represent a danger to the safety and integrity of any person. Well, it is not unknown that there are individuals who are dedicated to the harassment of women, especially. As well as personal information and account thieves or those who send photos of their private parts out of the blue.

Therefore, it is vitally important to take care of the privacy of the Instagram account. In order that no stranger tries to send you things and that, on the contrary, the platform makes the blocks. At least until you check who it is and agree to start a conversation.

How to disable the green dot?

Before removing the green dot from your Instagram and taking away from friends the opportunity to know if you are online on your account. You should know that this works a little differently than on Facebook or Messenger. In the other social networks, the point is shown to any friend , while here you have to meet certain requirements.

It’s not enough for a person to follow you on Ig for them to see your green dot. Since, you also have to press the follow and make it part of your community. Now, this is not enough either, because due to multiple complaints, some security was added.

The new step requires them to speak at an earlier time. That is, that one wrote to the other. Therefore, not all of your followers will see your connection accurately.

If you don’t like the green dot, got tired of it, or want to add some privacy and security, apply the following. Since it is feasible to disable Instagram active status . So that your friends and contacts do not know that you are online and do not bother you.

Open the app on mobile or the web version on a computer. Then, you must go to your Instagram profile, touching the circle with the image in the lower right corner. There, press on the three vertical points that are seen in the upper area, which displays the options menu.

This list is not very organized, as as they add a new section, it gets cluttered. However, just find the privacy and security variable, go there and you will find more alternatives. Here look for activity status and tap on it.

Inside there are two options, show activity status and chat activity. Next to them, there is a button that moves from side to side , with which to turn on or off. Its settings will show it as blue or active, so it needs to be turned off. Remember that by executing this, you will not be able to visualize these functions either.

How to activate this option again?

Show chat activity, ie option two, is reserved for other newer features. It’s all about seeing who is typing or using the camera.

If after a while you regret doing this, it is valid to activate them again. So you just have to continue in the same direction, which we will describe it like this. Profile, vertical points and privacy . Followed by it, activity status and there will be both buttons.
