What documents are needed to scrap a car

The demolition of a vehicle is a procedure carried out by the so-called authorized car demolition centers: to complete it, however, you must deliver the car with a series of documents .

Here are which ones.

Car scrapping: the essential documents

How do you get the car to the wrecker? Usually, on their own wheels and independently, but there are centers that also collect the vehicle (for a fee).

Together with the car, however, you will also have to deliver some documents to the car demolition center, namely:

  • Registration Card
  • Certificate of Ownershipor complementary sheet or CDPD
  • Plates(all)
  • Identity documentand tax code of the owner

At this point, at the PRA you will carry out the practice of cessation of circulation for demolition and the demolition operator will issue you the receipt containing the access code for viewing the Digital Demolition Certificate .

Now you know what documents to present for car scrapping, but you may not know that others may be required, in particular circumstances. Here are which ones.

Car demolition documents: special cases

The circumstances in which other evidence for car scrapping may be required, in addition to those listed above, are those in which the original documents or number plates are no longer available.

If you have lost them, have been destroyed, or have been stolen from you, for example, you will also have to hand over the original of the report to the authorities.

If, on the other hand, the deliverer is not the owner, a proxy will also be required, while if this is not the case, the death certificate will also be required with the proxy of each heir.

In the event that the vehicle is registered in the name of a company, the declaration of the legal representative (or whoever has the power to sign) is required to certify the existence of the requirements.

Finally, let’s see the last two special cases: if you are not registered with the PRA you will also have to deliver a suitable title , such as the acceptance of inheritance. If, on the other hand, you are holders and not owners , a deed of sale will be required (even if not yet registered with the PRA) or the declaration replacing a notorious deed signed by the owner.


by Abdullah Sam
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