What Can’t You Eat When You Have Dengue?

Dengue is a disease caused by the viral infection of four different serotypes of a virus belonging to the genus of Flaviviruses. They are: DENV 1, DENV2, DENV 3 and DENV 4. The virus is transmitted by a vector, which means that there is no direct transmission from person to person. In this case, there is no need for isolation when someone has the disease. The vector for the transmission of the virus is the mosquito belonging to the genus Aedes. In Brazil the main mosquito that transmits the dengue virus is Aedes aegypti.

Dengue Warning Signs

  • Strong and continuous abdominal pain;
    • Recurring vomiting
    • Paleness, moisture and coldness in the skin;
    • Bleeding mouth, nose and gums
    • Drowsiness or restlessness, mental confusion
    • Excessive thirst, dry mouth and dry lips
    • Fast and weak pulse
    • Difficulty breathing
    • In severe cases, loss of consciousness
    Symptoms of dengue
    • High fever, with sudden onset
    • Pain in the head
    • Pain behind the eyes, becoming intense with movement and light
    • Loss of appetite and taste
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
    • Dizziness
    • Tiredness and fatigue
    • Red spots on the skin
    • Looseness in the body
    • Muscle pain, in bones and joints

Dengue mosquito

Diagnosis and Treatment

The diagnosis of dengue is usually made only by analyzing the symptoms of the disease and also by analyzing the contact with places where the mosquitoes focus and the outbreaks of the disease. However, there are some tests that confirm and assist in the diagnosis.

The loop test, where the doctor or nurse ties the arm to hold the circulation for a few moments and analyzes if there are reddish spots on the skin, is one of the main quick tests to confirm the diagnosis of dengue. Another test is the blood count. In the blood picture the doctor will analyze the presence of thrombocytopenia, which is a sign of dengue. Thrombocytopenia is when there is a very low amount of platelets.

Currently, there are no vaccines available for dengue prevention. Anvisa has a registered vaccine, but it is only available in private health networks. But not everyone can get this vaccine. Only that they have had dengue at least once. It should be administered in 3 doses, with an interval of one year between doses.

Diagnosis of Dengue

There is no specific treatment to cure dengue. No medication directly eliminates the virus and is not exactly effective at that. So what doctors usually recommend is special care at home and treatments to relieve symptoms. Among the main cares, we can mention:
• Maximum rest at home;
• Drink 3 to 5 liters of water throughout the day;
• Do not take any medication without first consulting a doctor;
• Intravenous hydration, in more severe cases;


The mosquito that transmits the dengue virus, Aedes spp, reproduces with the presence of standing water. The female needs places with clean water without movement to lay eggs. They usually lay eggs in plant pots, tires, basins, puddles, etc. So the best way to prevent the disease is to avoid mosquito outbreaks. So the solution is relatively simple: avoid places where water can accumulate. Pierce plant pots, turn bowls and containers down, etc.

In addition, wearing clothing that minimizes skin exposure to mosquito bites during the day and the use of repellents are basic tactics to prevent mosquito bites, as this is the only way to contract the virus. To protect the house, it is possible to create mosquito nets and other traps to prevent mosquitoes from entering the house. Repellents and insecticides should be used according to the manufacturer’s guidelines and in correct amounts, as they can cause allergies.

What care should be taken with food when dengue is suspected? What to avoid?
First, we must understand what happens to the body in dengue, then understand the dengue virus causes changes in the functioning of the entire circulatory system in the body. It favors the appearance of bleeding. Therefore, we must avoid any type of food that contains a substance called salicylate. Salicylate promotes late clotting. This means that if the person has internal bleeding he may lose excess blood without knowing it. With that she will only notice late symptoms and may have very serious health complications for that. The sooner you start treating dengue, the more chances of a cure.

Dengue prevention

All foods that contain substances such as salicylates should be avoided. In addition, those that contain thrombotic action cannot be ingested either, as they have the same effect of preventing blood clotting. Some examples of foods that contain salicylates are: apricot, plum (fresh), almonds, blackberry, ruffles, cherry, currant, lemon, apple, melon, strawberry, nectarine, nuts, raisins, cucumber, peach, peppers, tangerine, tomato, grape, orange. Foods that have antithrombotic effects are garlic, onion, ginger. The latter do not have salicylates, but they have other substances that prevent the formation of clots, so they should also be avoided.

There are also foods that indirectly contribute to the worsening of dengue symptoms and can cause serious problems. Some foods have derivatives of salicylates, thereby decreasing the availability of vitamin, folate, iron, potassium and plasma proteins. In addition, they contribute to a greater excretion of vitamins, such as B1 and B6 in the urine. This can cause changes in the stomach, allergies, and the acid-base balance, causing bleeding and possible anemia.

Medicines to Avoid

Some medications, in addition to salicylates (such as AAS), can interfere with the absorption of some important vitamins to prevent bleeding. Paracetamol interferes with the availability of vitamin B1, B6 and K.
But more than avoiding this type of food, we must also be concerned with the main care to cure dengue. That is, hydration. When a person has dengue they must drink a much larger amount of water – between 3 and 5 liters of water. To calculate more accurately, calculate 80mL of water for each kilogram of body weight, per day. The ideal is to drink water all day, not all at once. To keep the body hydrated at all times. Hydration is essential for cells to successfully cure viral infection.

by Abdullah Sam
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