What are they, what are they for and how do operating systems work?

In general, in our daily life we ​​sometimes need a tool to be able to carry out an activity. To perform tasks on a computer, cell phone or other device we need those tools that are an intermediary to carry out any activity. The brain of the gadgets; so to speak are operating systems .

What are they, what are they for, and how does each of these operating systems work? Here we get you out of doubts once and for all.

Operating Systems: The Vital Foundation of Every Computer System

They can be defined as the primary software or set of programs that processes the hardware resources of a computer system. Looking at it from a simple point of view, we identify them as that set of provisions and programs that allow a computer to function and interact with other programs. Without them, computers simply could not do anything.

Most operating systems are recognized by the acronym OS (Operating System) and are customized by different computer manufacturing companies.

The set of programs adjacent to the system can control the operation of the physical component; called Hardware. Also, it manages the resources offered by the hardware and allows the user to execute the tasks under an environment that works more conveniently.

In an operating system there are two types of components: control programs and process programs . In the control ones, we get the processor, memory, input / output, data and system managers. While in the process are the translators and service programs. We detail what is the function of each of them:

Control programs

They coordinate the operation of your processor. There are ways to know what type of processor you have Control Programs also manage memory, input / output operations, information, and the entire system environment. Use the processor manager to prepare programs, plan the execution time of each process, assign peripherals, and relaunch programs. It also uses memory management to allocate and control the storage of the computer’s internal and external memory.

The input / output management present in these programs is in charge of the processes carried out on an external device such as, for example, a printer.

On the other hand, data managers control peripherals, opening and closing files, controlling the transfer of information, among other things. The last component, the system manager, protects memory, corrects system and program errors.

Process programs

They are the computer’s assistant for writing applications. Contains the translator programs that are responsible for translating a program written in a symbolic language so that the computer can understand its content. While service or utility programs perform functions of data manipulation and maintenance of the operating system .

Most common operating systems

That we have a desktop or laptop we deal with various types of operating systems widely known in the market: Windows, MacOS, Linux, are the most notorious. Other existing ones are: Solaris, Unix, Linux Debian … You also have the possibility of installing 3 operating systems of your choice on your PC.

Among those we find for phones are : Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Blackberry OS, Firefox OS, Symbian OS. There are also the operating systems for the rest of the electronic gadgets. Each of these systems are customized to what the manufacturer establishes.

Knowledge of everything related to operating systems helps us to be more aware of the computer processes that take place in electronic devices . We hope this information has been useful to you and that you can share it with your favorite acquaintances and friends.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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