What Are The Symptoms Of Bacterial Sinusitis?

Bacterial sinusitis

Sinusitis is the inflammation of the mucous membranes present in the sinuses and sinuses and cheeks, cheeks and eyes. There are some anatomical changes that hinder the correct drainage of secretions and infectious processes by microorganisms or allergies. Therefore, some people are more likely to have sinusitis, facilitating the entry and installation of opportunistic germs. In the case of bacterial sinusitis, it corresponds to inflammation of the sinuses caused by infection by bacteria.

Usually this type of sinusitis happens after the patient has had a cold or flu, or some allergic attack, such as rhinitis. Nasal mucous membranes are more sensitive to the entry and proliferation of bacteria.

The most common symptoms are the presence of a blocked nose and a lot of pain or pressure in the region around the nose (eyes, cheeks, upper jaw). This sinusitis can be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, decongestant drugs and antibiotics, as needed, unlike the case of viral sinusitis (antibiotics do not act against viruses).

How To Know The Type Of Sinusitis

Sinusitis can be of 4 types. In addition to being acute or chronic, it can be viral or bacterial. It is very important to know what type of sinusitis is, so that the doctor can indicate the correct treatment. And this treatment is directly related to the cause of the problem.

Viral sinusitis is caused by infection with a virus. The symptoms of this type of sinusitis are very similar to the symptoms of the common flu, with a lot of focus on nasal congestion. Since this secretion is thick, with loss of smell. In addition, cough and fever will be present. It is the most frequent type of sinusitis.

In bacterial sinusitis, on the other hand, there is a difference in the amount of secretion from one nostril to the other. This secretion has a much more purulent aspect, such as yellowish or greenish pus (in the case of secretion present in viral sinusitis, there is no staining). Bacterial sinusitis usually worsens symptoms after 72 hours of the drug, with swelling and redness of the face and eyes.

Woman With Sinusitis

Symptoms Of The Varied Types Of Sinusitis

Acute sinusitis has a strong headache in the sinus area as its main symptom and diagnostic sign. This pain can be prickly, pulsating or as a sensation of pressure and weight on the face.

Symptoms common to types of sinusitis are a stuffy nose, with runny nose, pain in the area around the nose and sensitivity to movement and light. Earache and sore throat can also occur. Tiredness, drowsiness, fever, etc. If the symptomatic condition lasts more than a week, start to consider that it may be bacterial sinusitis, even if the symptoms are getting worse.

In most cases there is a yellow or greenish secretion, in cases of bacterial sinusitis, making breathing difficult. Fever, tiredness, runny nose, cough, muscle aches and loss of appetite also often appear in acute sinusitis. In the case of chronic sinusitis, the symptoms are the same, but they vary in intensity, with little being lighter and sometimes not frequent and present.

Common Symptoms Of Bacterial Sinusitis

  • Headaches;
  • Pain in the bones of the face;
  • High fever;
  • Recurrent coryza;
  • Sneezing;
  • Dry cough;
  • Watery, sensitive and reddish eyes;
  • Itching and burning eyes;
  • Difficulty breathing and shortness of breath;
  • Nasal congestion;
  • Dizziness;
  • Toothache or upper jaw pain, confusing symptoms;
  • Tiredness and softness;
  • Rhinitis;
  • Odor from the nose;
  • Bad breath;


To begin the treatment of sinusitis it is important to identify the exact cause of it. This diagnosis can be made based on symptoms and physical examination. In addition, a computed tomography (CT) scan can be very useful in the evaluation of sinuses and to confirm or diagnose complicated cases. And also microbiological tests.


The main treatment for bacterial sinusitis is with the use of antibiotic medications, as this is the fastest way to eliminate the microorganism that is causing the infection and inflammation. This medicine will be indicated by the doctor after analyzing the microbiological examination. It is very important to identify the microorganism and use the correct medicine in the right way, because in many cases where it does not, the bacteria become resistant to the antibiotic, so the treatment becomes much more difficult.

Using the famous nasal decongestants and saline can be useful for flushing the nostrils. However it is important to use decongestants only based on serum, so that it does not cause dependence on the drug. In addition, water vapor inhalations can be performed, as water is able to decongest and decrease the secretions formed in the nasal mucosa alone (ask your doctor how to wash the sinuses with water and serum.

Home remedies and treatments are not always good options. However, for sinusitis, there are many things to do to help with treatment and decrease symptoms and healing time. Many patients see improvement when they breathe hot air or steam, such as in a shower or inhalation. Some non-antibiotic medications can also help, such as anti-inflammatories, to reduce swelling and redness in the nose and face. In addition, sprays and decongestant medications also relieve constipation symptoms.


Some people may think that sinusitis is inevitable, however this is not true, especially in the case of bacterial sinusitis. Take care to prevent the spread of colds or flu, as they can be the cause for subsequent sinusitis. In addition, it is very important to see your dentist regularly.


Bacterial sinusitis usually starts to improve within 2 weeks after the onset of symptoms, even without antibiotics. However, it can happen that it becomes more serious, with great health risks. So if symptoms continue or worsen even after 10 to 14 days, antibiotics may be the only option, so to avoid complications, seek medical attention right at the onset of symptoms.

by Abdullah Sam
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