What are the characteristics of highly sensitive mothers?

Each person’s personality is very different, each one acts in a different way when faced with similar situations. Sensitivity is the ability of a living being to perceive alterations and stimuli through the senses. But not all people enjoy the same level of sensitivity. Some people react in a very subtle way to stimuli.

Instead, there is a very little known characteristic trait that defines people who perceive those same stimuli at a higher level. This trait is called High Sensitivity People and affects 20% of the world’s population.

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What is the trait of People with High Sensitivity (PAS)?

People who have the High Sensitivity trait have a series of peculiarities in their neuro-sensory system . This type of qualities supposes that the person who possesses them receives stimuli and perceptions in a much more developed way.

This trait is scientifically proven and has very specific characteristics that help diagnose a person with high sensitivity (PAS). These characteristics are :

  • An intense ability to perceive the stimulireceived from the environment. They can pick up on details and peculiarities that people with average sensitivity do not usually perceive.
  • They process thoughtsand situations in a much more intense and profound way.
  • Tendency to isolationproduced by over-stimulation, such intense perception can cause both physical and emotional exhaustion.
  • great capacity for empathy. They are very supportive people and with a tendency to always put themselves in the place of the other person.

How High Sensitivity Affects Mothers

Motherhood is a roller coaster of sensations and emotions. Hormonal changes play a very important role, but the main role is taken by parenting. The care of a baby and the overflowing love that can sometimes destabilize. The mother’s emotions affect the development and growth of children. In many ways positively, but also negatively.

The characteristics of mothers with high sensitivity are:

  • Greater impact in the absence ofpersonal time . The baby occupies all the time and all the space, especially for the mother, at least in the first months. The highly sensitive mother excessively accuses the loss of her own space, her individuality.
  • The stability of the couple falters. Generally, fathers and mothers have differences when it comes to raising children. Highly sensitive mothers can become saturated and thus become isolated, their greater capacity for reflection can cause the mother to move away from the partner.
  • Inability to cope with social pressure. The environment is full of people who, with good or bad intention, constantly comment on how motherhood should be. This social pressure to be the best mother can be too much for a highly sensitive mother.

Positive characteristics of mothers with high sensitivity

One of the greatest advantages of living motherhood with the trait of high sensitivity is empathy. This characteristic will help you better understand your child in some of the maturation processes that he will experience throughout his life. High sensitivity endows people with the ability to perceive art and music with a special emotion . Very important traits for the cognitive, creative, artistic and emotional development of children.

Motherhood is full of emotions and feelings, both positive and negative. Your attitudes and your way of acting on life circumstances are transmitted to children. But high sensitivity doesn’t have to negatively affect your children’s development in any particular way.

However, as we said at the beginning, only 20% of the world population has (PAS) diagnosed. This means that only 2 out of 10 people have this trait. If you think that because of your characteristics you can fit into this type of trait, you will have to perform a series of tests to help you determine it .


by Abdullah Sam
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