What are the accessibility improvements in Windows 10?

  • You can and add a text cursor indicator by clicking the Turn on the text cursor indicator , then drag the slider below to make it as big as you want.
  • The Magnifier option now follows your mouse pointer, so you don’t have to search long for the pointer. The mouse pointer will now always be in the center of the screen.
  • You don’t have to be an IT specialist to tackle settings in Windows 10. Just head over to our Windows 10 settings category for more information.
  • For all Windows 10 news, updates, and more, go to our Windows 10 Hub.

The May 2020 Update comes with Windows 10 accessibility updates for people with low or no vision.

In the latest stable version of Windows 10, Microsoft improves the visibility of the text cursor, provides a better Magnifier feature, makes welcome changes to Narrator, and improves the Narrator Outlook experience.

Contents index

  • What are the accessibility improvements in Windows 10?
    • The text cursor is much more visible
    • The magnifying glass follows your cursor

What are the accessibility improvements in Windows 10?

Recently, we’ve made texts and pointers easier to customize in Windows 10. Millions of people prefer bigger texts and bigger, brighter pointers to make Windows 10 easier to see and use.

Perhaps not surprisingly, many low vision users asked us to continue to make working with text cursors easier. More specifically, we were told that text cursors are hard to find when they are too thin and don’t contrast enough with the text.

writes Jeff Petty, Head of Windows Accessibility Program Management on the Windows blog .

The text cursor is much more visible

To get started, you can and add a cursor indicator text by clicking the Turn on the indicator text cursor , then drag the slider below to make it as big as you want it as in the image below.

You can also choose a bright color for the indicator to make sure you don’t get lost.

If the indicator is too much for you, there is another option (described in step 3), to enlarge the normal cursor.

The magnifying glass follows your cursor

The Magnifier option now follows your mouse pointer, so you don’t have to search long for the pointer. The mouse pointer will now always be in the center of the screen.

Chromebook connectivity issues can have various causes. If you are not on the ISP side, you need to check if your WiFi is on, or simply reboot your device and the router, to exclude any rollback that may have occurred during power-up.


by Abdullah Sam
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