What are logical functions in Excel?

By way of introduction, we would like you to be aware of the benefits of using Excel. Today, office automation is one of the most important areas of office work . Most modern companies take into account the office automation knowledge of each applicant, and choose their employees taking that base into account.

What are and How to do the LOGICAL FUNCTIONS in Excel

Well, the management of software like those of the Microsoft Office family, considerably increases the efficiency and the pace of work, if you still do not have it installed you can download Microsoft Office from its official website . In addition, it is a contribution to the organization and quality of the tasks that you can do using an Excel agenda . For all that, in this article we will teach you what they are and how to do logical functions in Excel .

What are logical functions in Excel?

This type of function is very useful for many tasks. What they do is evaluate the fulfillment of some condition that we set for our data, and, depending on that, we can decide what actions to execute.

How to do the logical functions in Excel?

The first thing, obviously, will be to enter all the data in Excel that we want to work with. Throughout the guide, we will show some examples.

Throughout the process, we will be working on the Excel Formulas tab , with its Logics tool .

How to use if logic function in Excel

Let’s imagine that you have a table with the grades of some student. In it, you will average the results you have obtained throughout each quarter, and that will give you the final grade for each subject. Then, it will be seen whether the student passes or fails, depending on whether he exceeded a certain value in his average or not.

For this type of task, the Yes function is useful , since it will return “passed” if a certain value is exceeded and “failed” with a low. In this example, the pass will be from 51 points (inclusive).

You will rest on the cell below the Promotion cell , and you will go to the contextual menu Formulas -> Logic -> Yes . A window with three boxes will be displayed, which you will fill in the following way:

  • Logical test: You will enter your condition . In this case you put the cell coordinate of Total, and you say that it is less than 51, for example H4 <51
  • Value if true: You write the answer that should appear, if it is true that H4 <51. He would be disapproved for not exceeding 51.
  • Value if false: Here is the text that will be displayed, if the condition is not met . As it exceeds 51, the value is approved.

It is enough to apply the same format in all the Promotion cells .

How to use logical AND function in Excel

This function can be complemented by the Yes function , but we will make it simpler now. We will create a new column, which evaluates the student’s science performance in a simple way. When all scientific subjects have passed, the True result will be shown , if any were failed, it will be False .

To achieve this , we will press on the box below to our new column and follow the same steps as before, but selecting this function: Formulas -> Logics -> Y . In the displayed window, we will place each of the conditions that must be fulfilled at the same time.

For our example it would be that the coordinates I4, I5 and I6, which correspond to Mathematics, Physics and Biology, have the text Approved. The formula is I # = »Approved» . Note that we put the text in quotation marks, because it is about reading the text as is, otherwise we would have an error.

By accepting, you will automatically have the answer. It may not seem very useful in an example as small as ours, but imagine a table filled with thousands of data, from hundreds of students. These types of formulas can save our lives , and do a much more efficient job .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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