What are Kidney Cysts?

Everyone knows the important function that the kidneys perform: they filter our blood, clean our bodies, control the salt levels of our body and remove the residual substances that we eliminate through the urine. They are two essential organs for our existence , hence the importance of knowing which possible diseases are associated with the kidneys. The one we will talk about today is about the cysts that can arise, check out our post!


What are the causes of kidney cysts?

Renal cysts are usually caused by increased pressure inside the kidney , an increase in the gradient of saline solutions that bathe the nephron or obstructions that reach this renal structure. There are also several genetic diseases that cause kidney cysts.



Simple kidney cysts usually do not cause symptoms. The vast majority of people are unaware that they actually have one or even 7 kidney cysts, as they have no symptoms. If symptoms appear, you must immediately go to the doctor:

  • Pain in the abdomen, ribs, hips, stomach or back
  • Have a fever
  • Go to the bathroom to urinate often, and blood appears in the urine
  • High pressure



As the cysts are often asymptomatic, the diagnosis often corresponds to an occasional finding of abdominal imaging exams performed for other reasons. The patient’s complaints, when they exist, are nonspecific and on physical examination, renal cysts are generally not large enough to be palpable. The best diagnostic resource for renal cysts is abdominal and renal ultrasound .


What is the treatment for this problem?

The treatment for kidney cyst depends on the signs and symptoms that the person has. In general, simple kidney cysts that do not cause symptoms do not need treatment, only follow-up. Large or painful cysts can be drained through surgery or puncture. Malignant renal renal cysts, on the other hand, need to be surgically removed urgently.


by Abdullah Sam
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