Welt – Honkai Star Rail Character Guide

When the protagonist of Honkai: Star Rail has a teenage rebellion in the form of trying to blow up a space station with his own power, only good old grandfather’s crutch stops him. Without much thought, Welt Young hits the Pioneer on the forehead with his cane and eliminates the threat.

Of all the characters in Starlight Express, Mr. Young is definitely the most experienced in his life, and he is the one to consult on various issues. And if you need advice on assembling it, read our article.


  1. 1.About the character
  2. 2.Pros and cons
  3. 3.Ascension and leveling up
  4. 4.Traces and abilities
  5. 5.Light cone
  6. 6.Relics
  7. 7.Teams for Welt
  8. 8.Eidolons

About the character

Welt Young, aka Joachim Nokianvirtanen, aka the First Herrscher of Reason, is a playable character in Honkai: Star Rail. He also appears in other games in the Honkai universe, as well as in the official manhua, where we can learn a little more about the character.

For example, that the versions of Welt from Honkai Impact 3rd and HSR are the same person. Mr. Yang just decided to visit another time period in an alien world and joined the crew of the Star Express. He also has a soft spot for robots, worked as an animator, and carries a sealed black hole in his cane, which he can summon at will.

In battle, he uses his cane and imaginary damage type. Welt follows the path of Nothingness and specializes in applying debuffs to opponents. He slows them down and delays their moves, so he can stand on different teams.

How to get

Since Mr. Young is a standard legendary character, there are several ways to obtain him. Here’s how you can add a Herrscher to your squad:

  • Knock out a newbie in the banner;
  • Collect for 300 spins in the standard banner;
  • Receive in a standard banner at any time (no guarantee);
  • Knock out instead of the event character for event jumps.

Pros and cons

Pros Cons
  • Slows down enemies. Not only does this allow your characters to make their move earlier, but it also counts as a debuff that works for some DDs (Acheron, Dr. Ratio).
  • The technique can delay the enemy’s step at the start of the turn and apply the Conclusion effect to them.
  • Can be used in different roles: from support DD to support with nerfs.
  • It has a rather rare imaginary damage type in the game.
  • Quite limited in build options and requires full artifact sets to be most effective.
  • The technique creates a field that conflicts with other similar skills (Himeko, Zaryanka, Jingliu, etc.).
  • To build into a basic damage dealer, he needs a signature light cone and the first eidolon.
  • He performs best as a support DD, as he does not provide any buffs to the team and specializes in slowing down.

Ascension and leveling up


Phase Maximum level Credits Stagnant shadow Material
1 30 4,000 x5 Silvermane Guard Badge
2 40 8,000 x10 Silvermane Guard Badge
3 50 16,000 x3 Golden Crown of the Shadow of the Past x6 Silvermane Guards Insignia
4 60 40,000 x7 Golden Crown of the Shadow of the Past x9 Silvermane Guards Insignia
5 70 80,000 x20 Golden Crown of the Shadow of the Past x3 Silvermane Guardians Medal
6 80 160,000 x35 Golden Crown of the Shadow of the Past x9 Silvermane Guardians Medal


Credits Material Sepal Elevation material Boss Material (Echoes of War: Support Zone)
3,000,000 x41 Silvermane Guard Badge

x56 Silvermane Guards Insignia

x58 Silvermane Guardians Medal

x18 Obsidian of Horror

x69 Desolation Obsidian

x139 Obsidian of Obsession

x8 Imprints of Destiny x12 The Last Path of the Destroyer

Traces and abilities

First of all, you need to pump up Velt’s ult, since it limits the movement of all enemies at once. After that, focus on E, and then on talent. Basic attack can be pumped last.


Name Type Description
Gravity Suppression Basic attack Attacks the enemy at a distance, causing imaginary damage.
The edge of emptiness Skill Targets one enemy and attacks them. Two random mobs on the battlefield are also hit. These hits have a chance to slow the target.
Synthetic black hole Superpower Summons a black hole and deals imaginary damage to all enemies on the field. When hit, inflicts the Slow status on them, reducing their speed and delaying their turn.
Time distortion Talent If the enemy already has the Slow status, they receive additional damage.
Gravity prison Technique Creates a field that lasts for 15 seconds. Enemies caught in this space are slowed by 50%. If you start a fight, all of them will receive the Slow status.

However, only one space can exist at a time.


Name When does it open? Description
Retribution 2 rise After the ult, all targets hit receive 12% more damage for 2 turns.
Judgment 4th rise After using his ult, Welt restores 10 units of energy to himself.
Punishment 6th rise Enemies with a breached vulnerability take 20% more damage.

Light cone

Icon Name Characteristics Description
In the name of peace Attacks against enemies with debuffs are increased by 24-40%. After using E, the chance of effects hitting increases by 18-30%, and the attack power increases by 24-40%. Velt’s Signature Cone is a versatile option for different builds. In the Sap-DD version, it will apply a slow more effectively, and in the DD build, it will deal more damage.
Along the receding shore Grants the owner 36‒60% critical damage. When Velt’s attack hits an enemy, it applies the Mirage status. This effect lasts for 1 turn and is applied 1 time for each attack performed.
Enemies with the Mirage status receive 24‒40% more damage, while the power of the ult is also increased by 24‒40%.
The best option for a DD build. Allows you to attack opponents more effectively, and combines well with the Deadwater Discoverer set.
Good night and peaceful sleep Each debuff applied to an enemy increases the wearer’s attacks by 12-24%. The effect can stack up to 3 times and works on all types of damage, including periodic damage. A great cone that will suit almost any character in the Void. The downside is that you can only get it from the BP.
Limitless Dance Grants the wearer an 8-16% critical hit chance, while the critical damage they deal to enemies with Slows is increased by 24-48%. Another good cone for the DD assembly, which is perfectly implemented on the Welt.
The rain never stops The owner’s effects’ hit chance is increased by 24-40%. When an enemy has 3 or more debuffs, the owner gains a 12-20% critical hit chance.

After using any attack, the wearer applies the Ethereal Move status to the target, which increases incoming damage by 12-20%.

A great cone if you have it in your collection. Allows Welt to deal a lot of damage in a stack with debuffs, and gives him a critical hit chance if he’s low on it.


Cave relics

Everything is simple here. Only full sets are suitable for Velt and there can be only three options.

For the DD build, we take the Dead Waters Discoverer . 2 parts give 12% damage to enemies with a weakening, and 4 parts give 4% chance of a critical hit, and critical damage against mobs with 2/3 weakenings increases by 8/12%. If after the attack the enemy gets weakened, then the bonuses of the set are doubled. 

The second and third options are more versatile. Silver in relics is taken by the Bandit Desert Cutthroat set . 2 parts give 10% to imaginary damage, and 4 parts give 10% chance of a critical hit when attacking mobs with debuffs. If they have Conclusion (penetration of imaginary vulnerability), then the wearer receives 20% critical damage. 

Our top 3 set is completed by the Wild Desert Marksman . Two parts give the owner 12% attack power, and 4 parts increase his speed by 6% and basic attack damage by 10%. Not the best option for a DD build, but if you need to get some speed for a conditional Glatiramer, feel free to put it. 

Planar decorations

With planar decorations, everything is also quite clear. There are three sets that provide a lot of boosts to the hero’s own damage.

Let’s start with the Pan-Galactic Space Venture set . This is the top 1 on Velta. The set gives a 10% chance to hit effects and increases attack power depending on its amount. The maximum increase is 25%. 

Space Sealing Station is the second most important set for Herrscher. It gives 12% attack power, and if you have speed boots and the total indicator exceeds 120 units, you will get another 12% attack power. 

The final item in the lineup is Glathiramer’s Skyfront , which grants 12% attack power and increases the wearer’s damage by 12/18% if the wearer’s speed is equal to or higher than 135/165. 

Teams for Welt

The first and most obvious option is a team with Acheron. Our mysterious stranger plays from weakening, so she needs characters that can apply it often. And Welt can also cut the opponents’ moves.

The team consists of:

  • Acheron;
  • Welt;
  • Pela/Silver Wolf;
  • Gallagher.

The second option is mono-imaginary. This is a good option for a squad that will work well and deal a lot of damage. And to solve the vulnerability problems, we put Wolf there.

This team includes:

  • Welt;
  • Dr. Razio;
  • Silver Wolf;
  • Locha/Aventurine.

The third option is DD-Welt. Here we surround him with supports as much as possible to give as much damage as possible. Therefore, the squad will look something like this:

  • Welt;
  • Silver Wolf;
  • Pela/Yukun/Robin;
  • Gallagher/Aventurine/Fu Xuan.


Level Name Description
1 Legacy of Honor The ult increases all the character’s skills. The next 2 basic attacks or E-shki deal additional damage equal to 50% of the basic attack power or 80% of the skill.
2 Star merger When the talent is triggered, Welt receives 3 units of energy.
3 Prayer for Peace +2 skill levels, +1 level to Bash attack.
4 Appeal to justice Chance to reduce enemy speed with E-Shka increases by 35%.
5 The power of kindness +2 levels in ult, +2 levels in talent.
6 Bright prospects When activating E-shki, random additional hits on enemies are increased by 1.

Now you know the power of the First Herrscher of Reason and can make a strong warrior out of him. And if you don’t have Welt in your squad yet, we want to knock him out (but not instead of the desired event legendary, of course).