Wellness: essential oils and herbal medicine

Herbal medicine uses the properties of medicinal plants to maintain a state of well-being of the organism.
Herbal teas, mother tinctures and essential oils are examples of products used in herbal medicine to restore or guarantee our psycho-physical health.

The essential oils are particularly interesting because they have many different properties and possibilities of use, represent a valuable remedy for various disorders: may be used as active in cosmetic formulas, but also in aromatherapy for problems related to the respiratory system, to digestion, to fatigue physical and mental.


The herbalist at the service of our well-being


Herbal medicine is the science that studies the properties and use of medicinal plants for well-being : it is the oldest medical discipline, already used by primitive men who collected berries, leaves, flowers, roots to treat diseases and wounds.

With the appearance on the market of synthetic drugs and the related “marketing” from the second half of the twentieth century, the use of natural remedies has suffered a sharp drop but, to date, herbal medicine is growing again , thanks the minor side effects it exerts on the human body.

Unlike pharmacology, in fact, herbal medicine does not make use of the single active principle – natural or synthetic – but uses a set of compounds present in the plant, called a phytocomplex.
These compounds work in synergy with each other guaranteeing on the one hand the restoration or maintenance of the state of health and well-being and on the other a greater tolerability of the remedy by our body.

Herbal medicine uses a wide variety of natural health remedies including dried herbs to prepare herbal teas, mother tinctures prepared by the maceration of whole fresh plants in alcohol, and essential oils obtained by extraction from plants.

Essential oils are particularly interesting for their beneficial effect on the psyche and on the body and for their innumerable properties that can be exploited in different areas, from aromatherapy to cosmetics. Essential oils can be used for inhalation in aerosol, in suffumigi or by diffusion in the environment, applied on the skin or ingested.

As for the cutaneous use, in general the essences are not used pure but diluted in vegetable oil in the measure of one or two drops for each tablespoon of oil.
For internal use , since these are highly concentrated products, it is recommended to consult your doctor or herbalist for information on quantities and timing of administration.


Essential oils: what they are and how to use them for wellness

There is a huge range of essential oils, but it is important to know how to distinguish those of 100% pure and quality, which you can find only in the best herbalists or in the best eco-bio online stores, which are synonymous with guarantee and safety, such as BioVeganShop.it .

Essential oils are essences produced by plants for defensive purposes, to communicate or to attract pollinating insects.
They are extracted from flowers, fruits, leaves and bark with different methods, including steam extraction, squeezing and solvent extraction.

These are highly concentrated products used in herbal medicine, herbal medicine and aromatherapy for their antibacterial and antifungal properties , for the relaxing or stimulating action on the nervous system and for the treatment of various ailments, from skin to respiratory affections, from cycle disorders menstrual to bad digestion.

Each essential oil has in fact a characteristic composition that gives it specific properties useful for maintaining or restoring the well-being of the organism.

Some essential oils should never be missing in our homes. Among these we certainly find lavender essential oil, an essence with a relaxing action on the nervous system and useful for all skin problems : it can be used in the case of acne, insect bites, urticaria, skin irritations and skin inflammations.

Tea tree or tea tree essential oil should also always be present in our natural remedies cabinet. This essence has a marked antifungal and antibacterial activity and is indicated for the treatment of numerous skin and mucous membrane infections including Candida albicans , athlete’s foot, cold sores, acne, seborrheic dermatitis and lice.

The balsamic essences as those obtained for example by pine, eucalyptus, rosemary should always be kept with us especially during the winter months, for their expectorant and decongestant which makes them indispensable for coughs, colds and respiratory problems .

In case of digestive disorders , instead, we rely on the essences of star anise, fennel, cumin, ginger and mint to be used in case of abdominal bloating, intestinal colic and nausea.
If, on the other hand, you have insomnia problems and you find it hard to fall asleep and rest well, you can resort to lemon balm essential oil, in addition to the aforementioned lavender essential oil.

Many essential oils, including camphor essential oil and cinnamon essential oil, are then used for massages in case of muscle and joint pain or after intense sporting activity.

Let’s not forget the essences used for menstrual cycle disorders : premenstrual syndrome, pain during the cycle and menopause-related disorders are effectively treated with essential oils of lavender, rose, jasmine and sage.

The essential oils obtained by squeezing from the peel of citrus fruits, such as those of lemon and sweet orange, are widely used in cosmetics for their anti-cellulite effect and in aromatherapy for their stimulating capacity, capable of increasing concentration at work and during the study .

As we have seen in this quick overview, these precious substances have numerous uses and each of us can build his own personal kit of essential oils based on the health problems he most often faces.


by Abdullah Sam
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