Website is not secure Why does this appear in Google Chrome?

If you are surely one of the people who frequently uses the Google Chrome browser, you will have already received the notification of ” web page is not secure . This appears when you want to enter any web page, but suddenly it shows you this warning.

Website IS UNSAFE – Why does this appear in Google Chrome

Of course this must generate some fear, but why does this appear in Google Chrome?

And it generates much more fear, if it appears when you want to enter your own website , but you should not worry so much about it. Believe it or not, this warning should not cause you so much fear. And here we are going to explain to you why this web page notice is generated is not safe and you can feel more calm.

It is important that you know that the Google search engine has been worrying a lot about security, about the final exit of hackers from computer media. But as it is known that this is going to make it almost impossible, it is doing more and more to avoid the improper use of the browser.

You should also know that when this warning is displayed when you try to enter your web page. It is not necessarily because it is infected by a virus or Trojans and in the worst cases has been hacked . Do not worry about any of this, this message is due to another situation that we are going to comment on below.

Why does this appear in Google Chrome?

We are going to start this small review by informing you that since 2017, the most used search engine in the world is Google Chrome. The use of, if it can be said thus, began to mark as non-secure page all those that do not have a security certificate. In other words, a certificate called SSL Certificate.

And you will tell me but what is an SSL Certificate ? Said certificate gives the website that owns it the guarantee that it is safe. That any user who enters said pages can have full security in it, they can place personal data, make purchases online and place credit card data, etc.

It is for this reason that every time you try to enter your website this message will appear. But currently the vast majority of browsers are adopting this system. This means that if you use a browser other than Google Chrome, it is very likely that you will get this warning message.

But this can generate other questions such as how can I, as a user, tell which web page has or has the SSL Certificate, that is, how I identify it. This answer is extremely simple since you can find this certificate in the browser. There where the address bar is located at the beginning of the address you will find HTTPS as the first letters .

If you realize there is a small difference and that is that all the pages you will find with http. This means that they do not have the security certificate . On the other hand, the one that shows you the https will mean that they have the certificate and it will be a secure page for you and for anyone who wants to enter it.

Do I have to purchase an SSL certificate?

It is also good that you know and feel a little more relaxed knowing that the use of this certificate is not mandatory at all. But if your website is a store and users must enter personal data or data on debit or credit cards, then it is advisable to acquire an SSL Certificate .

How you can do this, like buying an SSL Certificate , this you can do perfectly by communicating with your Hosting. Through it, you can have all the information you want about it. You can ask how you can get a certificate, how to pay for it, etc.

But if your case is that you have a blog, a page where you only share information, etc. Don’t worry, you can continue as you are. The only difference is that it will show that your page is not secure and it can also affect your SEO positioning , that is, the place where the search engine shows you.

As you can see, your web page will not have any problem if it shows the message web page is not secure.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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