Is there a way to live without being jealous of someone?

Overcoming envy with joy

Believe me, it is possible to live without putting a big eye on what belongs to the other. Either we exterminate envy or it destroys relationships and environments because it kills.

There is a desire within the human being to have something, to have things that satisfy him, and that desire is good. But when envy comes on the scene, it is harmful and not good for it is a deadly sin. The meaning of the word envy is: feeling of disgust or hatred in the face of someone ‘s happiness or prosperity, desire to possess what belongs to the other person, jealousy, greed, measurement of strength.

Illustrative photo: Wesley Almeida /

Examination of conscience

Routine examinations are very important for the health of men and women at all stages of life, and for many people this procedure has already become a habit. Of course, taking care of health is fundamental, so it is important to expand the care for the human body. It is always good to do an examination of conscience to see if envy is in our mind, in our eyes and in our hearts. After all, it is very sad when we realize that the envious desire makes us sad to see someone happy.

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:: Reciprocity: let’s talk about exchanging feelings?
:: God created us to be happy
:: Is there a way out of obsession?
:: The seven golden tactics for a good conversation

Are you happy or saddened by the achievements of others?

What is your reaction to the achievements of others? Do you rejoice or does it make you sad ? Deciding to exterminate envy means living better. We need to overcome it through God’s guidance: not to covet others’ things. Thus, we put our inner order in order and we experience that rejoicing with the achievements of the other is good for our heart, and the environments improve.

From the moment we rejoice in the other’s victories, we will overcome envy. Yes, there is a way to live without envying someone!


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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