Water and mineral salts: understand more

Water is one of the most important elements for the life of any living being. Responsible for a large part of the human body, the liquid is extremely important for the proper functioning of organs and systems. So, paying attention to your intake is important! Another very important compound is mineral salts. For the proper development of the body and the functioning of the metabolism, mineral salts are also responsible for the formation of structures such as bones and teeth, in addition to acting on coagulation, cellular respiration and the conduction of nervous impulse.

The key point of this discussion is that the human body is not able to produce mineral salts on its own. Thus, it is necessary to supply, through food and supplements, the necessary quantities for the human body.

But did you know that the water we drink can help a lot in providing the nutrients our bodies need? In this case, the alternatives are mineral waters , which come from sources that naturally add salts to the water, and those that are added through purifiers and other systems.

When you consume mineral water, you are providing your body with the union it needs! What do you know about mineral salts? What are they for? Check out!


The importance of mineral salts

As we have already said, mineral salts are important to guarantee the complete and balanced functioning of the human body. However, just as there are a number of systems in our body, there are also a number of mineral salts in existence. Each serves a type of maintenance and it is important that you know what are the specifics of each.



It is important in the formation of teeth and bones and also acts on cellular activity, being responsible for the permeability of the membrane. In addition to acting on blood clotting, it plays an important role in muscle contraction and tissue formation.



You may have heard from your mother how important an iron-rich diet is. This is because, in the blood, this element is responsible for composing the cell responsible for the transport of gases in our body.



Fluoride is especially famous when it comes to teeth. If calcium is responsible for the formation of our teeth, fluoride has the role of keeping the enamels that protect each of them in order. Ensuring adequate fluoride levels help prevent tooth decay!



Also important for the formation of bones and teeth, phosphorus acts in the activities carried out by enzymes and is also important in the construction of cell membranes.



Magnesium is very important in the synthesis of vitamin D, which, in turn, is a great ally of calcium in the composition of the bones of our body. It is also important in enzymatic activities.



Nerve cells are the cradle of this element. In addition to regulating the amount of water in our body, its function is also to control blood pressure.



Sodium is associated with potassium in the muscular system and has a role in the absorption of elements such as glucose and water.


The danger of excesses

Now that you know that mineral salts are very important for the human body, it’s time to talk about how dangerous their excess can be.



If consumed in excess, it can cause gastrointestinal disorders.



Considering that calcium is responsible for the formation of structures such as bones and teeth and that the kidneys are responsible for filtering blood, it is not difficult to conclude the loss of excess calcium. The result is nothing more than the famous kidney stone! Kidney failure can also be one of the problems.



Calcium is one of the elements responsible for calcium absorption. Therefore, its excess results in increased bone porosity.



While the lack of this nutrient can cause weakness and hypertension, its excess can result in diarrhea.



Chlorine is especially dangerous if consumed in excess. It is not for nothing that purifiers have received technologies capable of filtering and eliminating excess water. When consumed too much, chlorine can cause high blood pressure, heart attack and loss of calcium.



Potassium, when in need, reduces the activity of muscles like the myocardium – of the heart. Thus, its excess can cause cardiac arrhythmia, which can even lead to death.

Now that you know more about the relationship between water and minerals, it’s time to pay more attention to the water you and your family consume! Do you already know Latina purifiers? They are equipment with the highest technology, with the addition of mineral salts to the water . Everything balanced and in the quantities that your body needs!


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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