Complete walkthrough of the third episode of the final season about the adventures of Clementine and little AJ
On January 15, 2019, the third episode of The Walking Dead: The Final Season – “Broken Toys” was released . Telltale’s The Walking Dead is a post-apocalyptic zombie adventure in which you’ll take on the role of young Clementine and help her and her little companion AJ survive in a harsh, zombie-infested world.
True, this episode was no longer done by Telltale, but by the guys from Skybound . After the first ones went bankrupt, Skybound bought the rights to the final season and are going to bring Clementine’s story to an end.
From episode to episode, the game concept does not change – we still have to communicate with local characters, occasionally wander around small locations and perform simple QTEs. Sometimes developers roll out situations in which important choices have to be made. Unfortunately, most of them are not, and the consequences of decisions do not affect the plot in the way we would like. Moreover, in the third episode there is even less interaction than in the previous ones.
In this article, we will tell you what happened to the main characters in the third episode, what key decisions had to be made and what came of it all. Of course, there will be spoilers, so if you have not completed the game, then read at your own peril and risk.
The episode begins in the main courtyard of the school where the battle took place in the previous episode. The guys come to their senses and decide what to do next. Willie is overwhelmed by Mitch’s murder and blames Ten for it. You can justify the latter or support Willie , but ask him to calm down. Ten will remember your choice.
You will then find yourself in the basement of the school where Abel is bound. Go straight down the hallway and pet the dog. If you have not become friends with her before, then she will not let you do this. If she treats you well, then the dog will be yours. Then head right past the shelving. There you will find A.J. and Abel bound.
The thug needs to find out where his associates took the children. This can be done in different ways throughout the interrogation. You can hit him, set a dog on him, put out a bull on his cheek, etc. Regardless of your decisions, it turns out that Abel is mortally wounded and he doesn’t have much time left. He promises to tell about the location of the raiders, in exchange for a quick death and preventing him from turning into a walker. The prisoner says that the children were taken to a barge west of the school. It remains to make a decision : either kill Abel, or let him become a walker. The general outlook of A.J. depends on the choice.
Having reached the barge, the guys are going to conduct reconnaissance. Go to Luis (or Violet) and talk to him / her. Examine the approaches to the boat, estimate the number of raiders, inspect the upper deck of the barge. Then move to the right and talk to Willie. After assessing the situation, decide what to do with the enemy supplies. To the left of Luis / Violet you will find A.J. After assessing the situation with him, you will find horses and want to use them as a distraction in the future.
After scouting, you need to decide what to do: burn the hay and scare the horses, or destroy supplies and distract the raiders .
After the conversation, the children notice one of the raiders. Clem sneaks up from behind and, threatening with a knife, elicits information from her. However, the raider turns out to be one of Ten’s sisters – Minerva, whom Marlon gave in the past. She asks the guys to stop fighting and blames Clementine for many troubles. Lilly appears soon, but the guys manage to hide. Minerva does not give them up and leaves.
James and the walkers
The children separated, and Clem and A.J. went in search of James to ask him for help. During the search, a conversation will take place between them about past events, and the baby will tell about his feelings and experiences.
As a result, the guys find James and ask him for help. He agrees, but he needs a walking mask. He asks to distract the zombies without killing them in order to get her out of the camp. Here you have a choice: you can listen to the young man and not kill anyone, or vice versa. Either way, James will remember your decision.
After encountering the dead, James leads the heroes to an abandoned stable. The guy is an obvious supporter of the theory that the walkers still have a bit of humanity inside. Before helping the guys, he asks Clem to put on his mask, walk through the dead in the stable, touch the bell and see what happens. The heroine agrees, however, AJ is against. The girl calms him down, puts on a mask and goes to the stable. At this point, the camera moves to first person view.
Having done his plan, Clem returns and speaks to James. You have a choice: agree with his theory, or disprove it, saying that these are just monsters. James’s attitude towards you depends on this decision. Then, to the boy’s question, you can answer that you told the truth or lied, so as not to upset the lover of the dead.
Heading to their room, the guys meet Ruby, who says that she wants to organize a small party before the attack and asks the guys to participate. A.J. agrees and promises to paint a vivid picture, while Clem promises to bring a coffee machine with him.
In the room, a conversation is struck up between the characters. Little AJ is very worried that Clem may sooner or later turn into a walker, and does not want to be left alone. Clementine reminds him that he must shoot her if this happens, but the baby does not want this at all and offers to turn into a dead man himself. In his opinion, then they can be together. Their dialogue is interrupted by Louis / Violet, and the baby goes on patrol.
If you saved Luis in the last episode and had a relationship with him, then they will have a nice conversation in a romantic setting, by candlelight. In the absence of close relationships, the guys will just talk like friends. If you saved Violet and had a relationship with her, then they will also have a nice talk and dance together. In the absence of a relationship, just chat. Anyway, AJ will interrupt them. He got hold of an old, big ball somewhere and will offer Clementine to play with it.
After having fun with the ball, the guys will find themselves in the music room. Here you will take part in organizing a party: choose music (country, jazz or classical), come up with a slogan and choose the color of decorative cans. After that, Ruby will say that Willie is waiting for you on the second floor.
After going to the second floor, talk to Willie. He will tell you that he figured out how to get rid of the raiders forever. To do this, he wants to make a bomb and plant it on a barge. You can support him or challenge his idea. On top of that, Willie will apologize for blaming Ten for Mitch’s death.
Clem is at the party again. Willie joins her with a ready-made bomb in his hands. In a conversation with Willie and Ten, it will be possible to give the bomb a name. Discard this idea or choose one of the suggested options.
After that, the children will sit on the floor and Ruby will offer to play a game. She will take out a box with a dossier for each child and ask Clem to guess who is in question from the description. The first dossier belongs to Ruby. Then the guys will begin to remember the past of the school and realize that there are very few of them left, and they have lost as many as 34 people. Soon, Louis / Violet will offer to tell her story of her appearance at the boarding school. You can agree or refuse it.
Luis will tell his heartbreaking story and then play the piano for everyone. In the case of Violet, she will tell an equally dramatic story, but instead of playing an instrument, she will sing for everyone.
Next, Clem has a dream in which she is a little girl riding a train with Lee Everett, the main character of the first season. The girl talks to him, asks an old friend for advice and admits that she misses him very much. Lee encourages her and says that everything will work out and she will cope with all the difficulties. Soon Clem wakes up.
Barge attack
Before the attack, the guys gather to discuss the plan again and wait for James. The latter arrives on time, but pretty scares the guys with his appearance. Then the lover of the dead takes Clem aside and reveals that the walkers from the stable are already nearby. He also talks about his violent past. Here we find out that he is gay and had a boyfriend. Soon they return and the children are smeared with the guts of the dead walker so that the dead do not smell them.
Louis / Violet tries to muster courage before the attack and asks you to help with this. Luis can be hugged or slapped in the face. Violet can be kissed if there was a relationship before.
The attack begins. You have to mix with the crowd of walkers and from time to time use them as human shields. Gradually move behind them, and when the searchlight shines on you, hide behind the dead by pressing the Q key. As soon as you find yourself near the pier, carefully move along it in the water so that no one will notice you. One of the walkers will try to devour you under water, throw him away with the same Q. Having climbed up, move from cover to cover so that no one will see you. After that, shoot a group of zombies with a bow and get on the boat.
On the barge, it is also worthwhile to act discreetly. Complete all QTEs in time to remain undetected. After killing or stunning all opponents on the way, the guys will plant a bomb in the boiler. Then go up the stairs. There you will meet Minerva, who decides to help free her friends. Go to the room with Luis / Violet. Suddenly Minerva betrays you and stuns you from behind. Children are captured.
If Violet is locked up with you, then she will be very cold to you for not saving her. She does not want to participate in this anymore and refuses to help you. If Luis is with you, it turns out that he was severely tortured and, as a result, his tongue was cut off. He’s so scared that he doesn’t want to get involved in anything.
In any case, inspect the room and the grate. Talk to your friends. After examining the lock on the opposite door, Clem will ask AJ to give her a sharpener. Take it and try to open the door. The coming security will not let you finish the job to the end. Lilly soon appears, talks to Clementine and tells the story of the Ten sisters. During the dialogue, it is revealed that Minerva killed her sister with her own hands to prove her loyalty to the raiders. All children are shocked by what they hear. Louis / Violet threatens Lilly with violence, causing the female guard to pull him / her out and cut off the finger. A.J. wants to stop this. You can let him do it or stop him. In the first case, he bites off the woman’s ear. In the second, she still cuts off her finger. In any case, Lilly leaves and takes little AJ with her.
Minerva starts arguing with her former friends. Clem seizes the moment and tries to open the doors with a sharpener. If Violet is in the same room with her, then she will interfere with doing it. Louis won’t interfere. As a result, Clem opens the door anyway, knocks the crossbow out of Minerva’s hands and releases his friends. A fight breaks out between the main character and Minnie. If the crossbow grabs Louis, then he accidentally kills the suddenly running female guard. If Violet has the crossbow, then she seriously wounds Minerva. As a result, Clementine runs after A.J.
Climbing upstairs and escaping detection, Clementine sees that the raiders have captured Ten and James. The thugs are about to get rid of the latter, but Ten draws out a pistol and is about to finish off Lilly. However, he lacks the spirit to do so. As a result, a massive brawl begins, which includes Clementine. During the fight and numerous QTEs, A.J. has the gun. He aims it at Lilly and awaits your approval. The villainess begs to spare her. Here you have to make the most important choice in the entire episode: whether to allow him to kill Lilly, or ask him to remove the pistol .
If assassination is approved, A.J. fires a full clip at Lilly. James is clearly disappointed in the kid’s actions. Soon one of the raiders comes running and directs the gun at the children, but does not have time to shoot, as the bomb explodes.
In case of mercy, AJ lowers the gun, which James is incredibly happy about. He approaches the kid and takes the gun from him, but gets a knife in the back from Lilly and dies. An explosion soon occurs.